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Ben Carson Gives Perfect Defense of Pro-Life Position and Much More, in Powerful Tucker Carlson Interview [Watch]

Carson explained that he was a Democrat until his 30s. As a medical professional, he always believed abortion was the killing of another human being, but he didn't believe he had "a right to tell" others what they should do ... "The thing that really changed my mind is I was thinking about slavery. And I said, what if the abolitionists had said, well, I don't believe in slavery, but I don't have any right to tell you what you need to do? What if that had been their attitude? Where would we be?" -Dr. Ben Carson



New Comms Director for Kamala Harris Campaign Wants to Pack the Supreme Court and Defund the Police

Defunding the police has been a disaster for numerous American cities.

[] The Kamala Harris campaign has hired Brian Fallon as their new comms director. Fallon was previously a spokesman for the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign....(more)

Teacher's Union Accused of Laundering $1.5 Million to Bankroll Dem Governor Josh Shapiro's Campaign

[] A watchdog group on Thursday accused a Pennsylvania teacher's union of laundering $1.5 million to illegally fund Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro's 2022 campaign. The Freedom Foundation filed three complaints that allege the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) illegally laundered and sent $1.5 million to fund Shapiro's campaign, according to a press release by Freedom Foundation....(more)

A Growing Global Movement of Parents Is Keeping Their Kids Free from Smartphones

"Screen time is highly addictive and is impacting and destroying the most important part of us: our relationships. … Today's generations are the most digitally connected of all time, yet the most relationally disconnected of all time. Something has to change and soon. If we managed the amount of time on our phones and social media, our overall mental health would be better..." -Dr. Tim Clinton

[] As numerous (more)

Netanyahu Hails Israeli-US Bond, Reminds Protesters Israel the 'Land of the Bible' for 4,000 Years

"When Israel acts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons—nuclear weapons that could destroy Israel and threaten every American city, every city that you come from—we're not only protecting ourselves, we're protecting you. My friends, If you remember one thing, one thing from this speech, remember this: our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory." -Benjamin Netanyahu


Pro-Harris Media Scrambles to Erase 'Border Czar' from Her Resume as GOP Highlights Her Record

[] With ...Kamala Harris poised to become the [Democrat] standard bearer, the media has rushed to flush her title of "border czar" down a memory hole, a role upon which Republicans have seized to launch a volley of attacks on her record ... "I have more trust and faith in the American people. They know what czar means, right?" asked former acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Mark Morgan said on the "Just the News, No Noise" television show....(more)

These Important Election Integrity Initiatives Might Be on Your 2024 Ballot

[] While most political pundits are focused on the pending matchup between former President Donald Trump and (presumably) Vice President Kamala Harris, a major facet of the 2024 contest that's not getting enough attention is the election-related policy proposals appearing on state ballots across the country. From voter ID requirements to expanding mail-in voting, these proposed statutory and constitutional changes could significantly alter the way states administer their elections. Here are the biggest ones you need to know about... (more)

Pastor Faced Death Threats, Had to Go into Hiding after Revealing Political Beliefs: 'I Reject the Victimhood Mentality'

"There was a lot of pushback, a lot of negative things that were said, a lot of character assassination. We went from about 2,000-strong to about 500. And it was not a result of sin, it wasn't a result of somebody did something wrong—it was just the result of my political beliefs and the onslaught of attacks that people launched at me." -Pastor Corey Brooks

[] Pastor Corey Brooks is a fixture in Chicago....(more)

Trump Files FEC Complaint over Biden Transferring Campaign War Chest to Kamala Harris

[] ...The complaint attempts to block Harris from accessing the war chest, and comes after the Biden campaign account changed its name to "Harris for President" on Monday. The money would be on top of the over $80 million haul Harris raised on Monday, after she received [Biden]'s endorsement ... "Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91....(more)

17 Facts Expose Kamala Harris' Far-Left Record, Example: 'Supported Giving Taxpayer-Funded Coverage to Illegal Immigrants'

strong>[] Vice President Kamala Harris is not a moderate. GovTrack's scorecard ranked her as the most radical senator in 2019, further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and leading writers of the New York Times rated Harris as the least electable of ten possible Democrat nominees. It is unlikely Harris will campaign on her record... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click (more)

The Man and the Motive: Behind Musk's War on the 'Woke Mind Virus,' and Why He Fights for Children

Socially conservative Christians are grateful for Musk's aid in prosecuting a culture war against gender ideology, but we want something more for him—for his own good. We seek his eternal happiness and salvation, and we "have believed, and have come to know" (John 6:69) that such happiness and salvation can only be found through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ...

[] When California enacted a school secrecy pact last week, businessman Elon Musk responded with surprising intensity....(more)

Pray: Elderly Trump Supporter Run Over in Front Yard

"We will not stand for political violence here in Houghton County and we will rally together as a family to show the world that we will never be intimidated for our unyielding support for President Donald J Trump." -statement from the Cooper Country Republican Party.

(Michigan) — [] An elderly Trump supporter is in critical condition after he was run over in his front yard while putting [up] Trump signs in Hancock, Michigan. Police say the attack, in the state's Upper Peninsula, was politically motivated....(more)

Secret Service Director Resigns Following Attempted Trump Assassination

Her resignation follows an hours-long hearing on Capitol Hill on Monday in which Cheatle testified before the House Oversight Committee in the wake of the assassination attempt on Trump.


California School District and Christian Parents Sue Governor Newsom over Secrecy Bill

"We fully support the Chino Valley Unified School District and the brave parents standing up against AB 1955. This lawsuit is a crucial step in ensuring that parents retain their God-given rights to direct and oversee the upbringing of their children. We are confident that the courts will recognize that the state has no authority to assume parents' beliefs and values are dangerous to their own children. Protecting the rights of parents is essential to safeguarding the well-being and future of our families." -California Family Council President Greg Burt


Rape Surges 11% in New York City, as Bail Reform, Incoming Illegals, and a Depleted NYPD Create the Perfect Crime Storm

[] The Big Apple has seen an alarming 11% jump in rapes this year—with some sections of the city seeing their numbers more than double ... Christian Inga, a Venezuelan migrant who lived in Corona, was arrested for the rape of a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint in a Queens park on June 13 after cops released a police sketch and surveillance photo of him ... "We have been going through hell," the devastated dad has told The Post. "It just turned my world upside down, and the healing process has yet to begin." He previously told The Post he blamed ......(more)

Benjamin Netanyahu to Address Congress on Thursday, during Challenging Time in US Politics

"What he's trying to accomplish, you know, on this extremely large stage, maybe the biggest stage in the world, is to really explain Israel's position, explain what happened to Israel on October 7th—the trauma this inflicted on the Jewish state, the Jewish people, the inhabitants of Israel, how Israel has done its best to minimize civilian casualties. But (also), how Israel views this as an existential battle—that is, where victory is the only option..." -US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman

(Jerusalem, Israel) — [(more)

America Reacts to Biden Dropping Out; Inevitable Conclusion or Palace Coup?

"The Democrats pick a candidate, Crooked Joe Biden, he loses the Debate badly, then panics, and makes mistake after mistake, is told he can't win, and decide they will pick another candidate, probably Harris. They stole the race from Biden after he won it in the primaries—A First! These people are the real THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!" -President Donald Trump

[] After weeks of mounting pressure, ...Joe Biden (more)

Israelis, Thanking God for Sparing President Trump's Life, Recite This Psalm at Jerusalem's Western Wall

"There was a miracle that happened, a big miracle. And Mr. Trump knows it and his followers know it. And people all around him know that there was a miracle there. If that bullet had gone a quarter of a centimeter to the other side, he'd be gone and he knows that ... So, the way we (Jewish people) look at things, when a person has a miracle, they have to be thankful..." -James Rosenberg

(Jerusalem, Israel) — [CBN News] Many Americans believe the failure of the attempted assassination of ......(more)

'Now, Democrats Are Rigging Their OWN Elections,' Senator Hawley Says

"Joe Biden's no longer useful to them. They're trying to find their next puppet and we're going to have several weeks of auditioning for who that puppet is going to be." -Senator Josh Hawley

[] America's enemies "have got to be laughing their heads off" about how Democrats forced ...Joe Biden to drop his candidacy for reelection, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) said Sunday....(more)

Air Travel Delays Continue Following Crowdstrike Outage

[] Thousands of flights continued to be delayed Monday following CrowdStrike's failed software update Friday that grounded most airlines. As of Monday morning, Flight Aware showed more than 2,500 delayed flights within, into, or out of the US and nearly 900 canceled. The most affected airports were Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport and the Charlotte Douglas International Airport... (more)

Trump Accepts GOP Nomination With Speech Focused on National Unity: 'I Stand in This Arena Only by the Grace of God'

"None of us knows God's plan, or where life's adventure will take us. But if the events of last Saturday make anything clear, it is that every single moment we have on Earth is a gift from God. We have to make the most of every day for the people and country we love." -President Donald J Trump

[DailySignal.comDonald Trump formally accepted the Republican presidential nomination for the third time Thursday night, less than a week after the attempt on his life....(more)

Biden May Exit Race This Weekend: Report

And during an interview with BET—he forgot the name of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Instead—calling him "the black man."

[] [Joe] Biden may be close to dropping out of the presidential election....(more)

Win for Children: Tennessee Drag Show Ban Upheld after Appeals Court Reverses Ruling

[] A federal appeals court on July 18 reversed a lower court ruling as it upheld a law in Tennessee that bans performances featuring strippers or men dressed as women in locations where they could be viewed by children....(more)

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Pro-Life Protester Sentenced to More Than 3 Years Behind Bars for Blocking Abortion Clinic

"Christians have to recognize that, if we don't stand up and smell the coffee, we are going to give away our freedoms and America is going to turn into a communist country. Once America turns into a communist country, the world will be communism and we will be back in the days of Noah." -Bevelyn Beatty Williams

[CBN News] A Tennessee woman was sentenced Wednesday to more than three years in prison for her participation in a 2020 protest blocking the entrance to an abortion clinic in New York City....(more)

Dan Bongino: 9 Reasons to Vote for Kamala Harris

"She's all yours!" -Dan Bongino

[] If you support these nine things, then "definitely vote Kamala in 2024," conservative commentator and former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino wrote Thursday....(more)

Democrat Downplays That Bill Would Cost Trump His Secret Service Detail

If Thompson's bill passes, Trump would be denied a Secret Service detail for life, even if he is reelected president in November.

[] A Mississippi congressman proposed a bill that would revoke Donald Trump's Secret Service detail....(more)

'Get Him!': Watch as Brave Man Rescues Portion of American Flag Being Burned by 'Pro-Hamas Agitators' [Video]

"I grabbed what I could out of the fire and ran. I'm ashamed I didn't stop and go back and get the rest of it." -anonymous man

[] An unnamed man is receiving praise for reportedly rescuing remnants of an American flag being torched by what Fox News called anti-Israel and "pro-Hamas agitators....(more)

House Republicans Raise American Flags at Union Station in DC after Chaotic Protesting Hamas Supporters Took Down and Burned Flags

"Speaker Johnson and a group of House Republicans led by @RepWilliams say the Pledge of Allegiance after replacing the American flags that were taken down by those protesting Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to Capitol Hill." -@RyanSchmelzFOX on X

[] A group of House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Rep....(more)

Harris Campaign Admits to Misleading Voters on Trump, Project 2025

"I have nothing to do with, and know nothing about, Project 25. The fact that I do is merely disinformation put out by the Radical Left Democrat Thugs. Do not believe them! DJT" -President Donald Trump, via Truth Social

[] A campaign official for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris acknowledged Wednesday that the vice president is deliberately misleading voters about Project 2025....(more)

'Hey Mom, I'm Trans!': The Truth About the Gender Dysphoria Deception, from a Mom in the Middle of It

Puberty blockers interrupt a child's normal development. Sexual organs don't grow and remain small and stunted, even after they stop taking the blockers. Many are left infertile and sexually dysfunctional. A boy's voice won't deepen. A girl's breasts won't develop. Studies show that blockers can also affect brain development. None of this is reversible.

[] Heavenly Father, Thank You that in Your divine wisdom You created us male and female. This was Your good and perfect plan from the very beginning....(more)

President Trump Agrees to Stop Holding Outdoor Rallies, at Urging of Secret Service

[] ...President Donald Trump has said he will stop holding outdoor rallies as part of his presidential campaign. The decision comes almost two weeks after Trump was nearly killed during an assassination attempt on July 13 at an outdoor rally this month in Butler, (more)

Inside Netanyahu's Trip to DC: Navigating a Political Minefield

PM Benjamin Netanyahu addresses US Congress on Wednesday.

[] ...While the United States was clearly in the middle of a contentious election cycle, there was absolutely no way to predict that by the time Netanyahu arrived, ...Joe Biden would no longer be the Democratic candidate, or that Republican candidate and ...President Donald Trump would have just survived an assassination attempt....(more)

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Promises Bill Protecting Rights to Refuse Vaccines Is Coming

"You have my commitment, no one's going to be forced to be vaccinated." -Premier Danielle Smith

[] Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has promised that the province's Bill of Rights will be amended this fall so that there are protections added for people's personal medical decisions that most likely will include one having the right to refuse a vaccine....(more)

Elon Musk Says AI Must Be 'Pro-Human,' Is Alarmed by Technological Developments

"If humans are not going to be on team human, who is? That was the final straw. I was like, 'We really need some new AI company so there's a counter-balance to Google.'" -Elon Musk

[] Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk—a fixture in the world of technological advancement—said during a recent interview he is alarmed by the lack of "pro-human" principles in the development of artificial intelligence....(more)

'Influencing the Culture': Megachurch Equipping Churches to Mobilize Voters Ahead of November Election

[] Pastor Jack Hibbs' Calvary Chapel Chino Hills in Southern California is putting on a series of events as part of its "Comeback California Tour" that seeks to equip churches to legally and effectively get involved in the political process ahead of the November general election. The initiative's website states that the tour "will rally Christians across the state to set in motion the Church's crucial task of influencing the culture"... (more)

Now We Know How Democrats Convinced Biden to Drop Out. It Was Ugly

If Democratic Party operatives were willing to blackmail Joe Biden by invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office, that speaks volumes about how they perceive his ability to continue serving as president. They wouldn't threaten to do so if they didn't believe such a move would be seen as legitimate by the public. Biden's team clearly knew it would succeed as well and relented, and staying on as president was Biden's consolation prize.

[] Joe Biden's decision to drop out surprised many....(more)

UK Report Debunks Claim That Halting Puberty Blockers Increases Suicide in Gender-Confused Youth

This review is devastating to virtually every single claim trans activists have been making—and Appleby even notes, in point two of his summary, that trans activists themselves are posing a real danger to gender-confused children with their irresponsible lies about suicidality...


New Study Finds Big Pharma Company Merck Misled Participants in HPV Vaccine Trial

...The advertising material for the trial and the informed consent forms stated that the placebo was saline or an inactive substance, when, in fact, it contained Merck's proprietary highly reactogenic aluminum adjuvant which does not appear to have been properly evaluated for safety. Consequently, "several trial participants experienced chronic disabling symptoms, including some randomized to the adjuvant ‘placebo' group," the study added.


Concerning Stats Reveal Why Knowing Scripture Is So Important

It's tempting ... to feel satiated in just knowing a handful of Bible passages. But those who believe they are saved and are desiring of a relationship with Jesus "need to go further."

[] Believers serious about following Jesus need to understand Scripture....(more)

Secret Service Director, Kimberly Cheatle Testifies before Congress

"While we give overwhelming thanks to the individual Secret Service agents who did their jobs under immense pressure, this tragedy was preventable." Rep. James Comer

[] Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle is testifying before the House Oversight Committee Monday, following the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump....(more)

Frank Biden Made Stunning Admission About Joe's Health Indicating We've Been Lied to...Then It Gets Weird

[] Over and over and over again, we were told by the White House that Joe Biden's health was just fine ... But now Frank Biden, Joe Biden's brother, has made a concerning comment about Joe's health that's going to cause even more questions. CBS White House Correspondent Nancy Cordes reported late Sunday that Frank said that his brother's health was definitely a factor in the decision ... Frank Biden said to CBS that he was selfishly glad to have Joe Biden back for "whatever time we have left....(more)

Globalist Democrat Mega-Donor Soros Backs Kamala Harris as Best Option for Promoting Far Left, Woke Policies

[] Democrat mega-donor Alex Soros was quick to throw his weight behind Vice President Kamala Harris after Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. Soros, who took the helm of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) last year from his father, 93-year-old Hungarian billionaire activist George Soros, immediately signaled on Sunday that his family's vast fortune will be firmly behind Kamala Harris as the potential Democrat nominee against former President Donald Trump in November......(more)

'He Loved Jesus': Hundreds Honor Life of Corey Comperatore, Heroic Ex-Fireman Slain at Trump Rally as Family Speaks Out

"We have to make sure that we forgive. That's all part of being a Christian, and, right now, people are struggling, but we have to forgive one another and forgive those who may hurt us deeply." -Pastor John Neyman

[] Family, friends, and the general public continue to mourn the murder of Corey Comperatore, a former firefighter who died Saturday during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump....(more)

Joe Biden Withdraws from 2024 Race, Endorses Kamala Harris

"There are significant legal hurdles complicating Biden's ... withdrawal. For example, in Wisconsin, a candidate cannot remove his name from the ballot except in the event of his death. In Nevada, the deadline for ballot changes passed last month and cannot be altered except in cases of death or incapacity. Declaring Biden mentally unfit could trigger a constitutional crisis, potentially leading to calls for his removal via the 25th Amendment, a scenario Biden would likely want to avoid. In Georgia, a candidate can withdraw up to 60 days before the election; withdrawing later would keep his name on the ballot, but votes cast for him would be invalidated....(more)

Coincidence or Deep State? Investment Firm That Allegedly 'Put Options' on 12 Million Trump Stocks Day Before Assassination Attempt Blames Filing Error

Some of their top holdings, as reported in their latest 13F filing, include The Rothschild Family, BlackRock, Vanguard, Meta, George Bush and the Cheney Family. Trump's death would have crashed the Nasdaq and Dow Jones for a week. According to our estimates, anyone who had this knowledge beforehand would have made an estimated $696 billion to $1 Trillion in profits.

BCN Editor's Note: In a related post on X, the opera piece sung at the end of President Trump's speech was possibly explained: "Trump just sent a message to the Deep State Just after Trumps speech, Opera Singer Sings 'Nessun Dorma....(more)

Widespread 'IT Outages' Reported across the Globe – Major US Airlines Ground All Flights – 911, Emergency Systems Affected

"US cyber security company CrowdStrike has admitted to being responsible for the outage error and said they are 'working on it.'" -Oli London via X

[] Major "IT outages" are being reported across the world, affecting banking systems, emergency services and airlines' communications.  The FAA website currently shows seven airports closed, including LaGuardia International in New York City, Logan International in Boston, and Harry Reid in Las Vegas....(more)

Good News: John Deere Listens to De-tractors, Bails on DEI and Pride Parades

"This is another massive win. You just need to report the truth to people about what's happening in corporate America. We have over 1,000 different whistleblowers coming from many different companies. Woke corporate executives all fear that their company is next to be exposed." -Robby Starbuck

[] Americans are having a literal field day calling woke companies on the carpet this summer. Their latest conquest—a corporation that arguably never should have been in this mess—is agricultural icon John Deere....(more)

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