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Laura's Story—a Mother's Account of Her Daughter's Death in an Abortion Mill, and the Hope She Believes God Will bring out of it

Aimee Herd : Oct 29, 2007  BCN Exclusive

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following story will, no doubt, evoke a passionate response in the hearts of those of us who value life. Indeed, that is the goal in sharing it. However, in the past, some have reacted with hostility and hate toward those who uphold the practice of abortion. It's my hope that in reading this account, Believers would be moved?not to violence?but to pray for this doctor, and others like him, that God would change their hearts, and that they would become instead, defenders of LIFE! -Aimee Herd, BCN.

(Hyannis, Mass.)?Laura Hope Smith (22), died on September 13, 2007, during an abortion performed by Dr. Rapin Osathanondh, at Women Health Clinic in Hyannis, Massachusetts. She had recently gotten engaged, and had spent the summer with friends and her parents, at their home in Wildwood, NJ. Her mother, Eileen, didn't even know her daughter was pregnant, let alone contemplating an abortion.

I spoke with Laura's mother over the phone. She was of course, distraught, but trusting that God will bring something good out of it. As difficult as it is to talk about, Eileen believes that Laura's story must be told, in the hopes that lives would be saved?both babies and young women?so that her daughter's death will not be in vain.

This is Laura's story, told by her mother, Eileen?

It was 7pm, we had just finished dinner and settled down to watch the evening news. My husband's cell phone rang with Laura's name on the ID. We always loved hearing from her. Laura was so full of life, your spirits were lifted just by talking to her. Except this time it wasn't her voice. There was guttural screaming and sobbing on the other end by a voice I did not immediately recognize. I heard the words "Laura", "Hospital" and the worst one, "Not Breathing," and then "abortion".

My brain tilted, my heart sank, and life as I knew it ceased. It was Laura's friend Karen on the phone. She told me what happened, that Laura was having an abortion and something went terribly wrong. Karen was at the ER and the Doctor needed to talk to me. What Karen didn't know was that Laura had arrived at the ER already deceased. The EMT's found her this way at the abortion mill. The hospital was looking for next of kin to give the news to first, and Karen wasn't kin.

"Laura's gone" the doctor told me. I wanted to hear "50-50 chance"...I would even accept "90-10 chance." But the word "chance" was not in the doctor's statement. All hope was gone, along with my daughter.

My beautiful, precious daughter, whom we had adopted at age 5, and had immediately forgotten that we didn't give her birth. Laura became as much ours as our natural born children. She was a gift we didn't ask for, and one we treasured. I have questions that I can never get answers to?the "whys." Why didn't she come to us? Why didn't she tell us she was pregnant? Why did she think that abortion was the solution to her problem?

Laura was raised in a loving, Christian home. Laura got upset when others she knew had abortions. Laura loved children. Laura was pregnant with her fianc?'s baby; he loved her and says he didn't believe in abortion.

There are some questions that I did get answers for. I met with the doctor who aborted my grandchild, and who saw my daughter take her last breath. He would only meet me in a public place, without my husband. We talked for an hour and a half. Based on that meeting I believe I know what happened to Laura. He denies doing anything that caused her death. When we were done talking about Laura, I prayed, and asked God if there was anything He would have me say to the doctor. This is what I said next.... "The blood of my daughter is on your hands; the blood of my grandchild is on your hands; the blood of every life you have ever taken is on your hands," and I went on from there. He was silent with his head hung low.

When I was ready to leave, I asked him if he would think about my daughter, and consider not doing any more abortions?he said he would think about it. When I left there I was praying, and said to God, "Can You stop this man from doing abortions? Is this what You have in mind, that he might even stop doing them?" I was thinking too small. I thought if one girl changed her mind [about having an abortion], I could find some comfort. I then realized that the Lord had much bigger plans. I have never experienced in my life, such tragedy, nor such grace.

I know that God is going to bring good out of my daughter's death. What a horrible thing; for my daughter to be associated with abortion. But, if God's going to use it for good and for His glory, then so be it. We're going very public with a very shameful, private thing because I believe God wants to use it to save lives.

I believe the truth will come out, and the light of God will shine on this. Laura's death has had tremendous impact around the country, and even into Canada, without the local news mentioning it. It just came out in the secular media this week?5 weeks after Laura's death.

I now believe it is my calling to keep telling Laura's story to the Church, and the world. I naively believed that abortion was not a choice for a Christian girl. A Pastor had even apologized to me and the Lord, for not speaking about this from his pulpit. We both had false assumptions. This is a problem in the Church, and one that needs to be spoken about from the pulpits. We have to take the "A" word out of the closet, put it out in the open, and discuss it. And maybe, possibly, hopefully, we'll even become active against it.

Please keep our family in your prayers, and please tell someone Laura's story.

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