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Justice Court Orders Israel to Stop War as IDF Recovers 3 More Hostage Bodies, 100 Still Captive

Chris Mitchell : May 24, 2024  CBN News

"Sadly since the massacre of October 7th, we have seen an alarming increase in the dark forces of antisemitism and terror and oppression. Let me say this as clearly as we can. We will not and we cannot allow the darkness to prevail. We will not do it." -House Speaker Mike Johnson

(Jerusalem, Israel) — [CBN News] Israel is vowing "no power on earth" will stop it "from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza," even as the International Court of Justice declared Friday that Israel should stop fighting "immediately". The court sided with a petition by South Africa that demanded Israel "cease its military operations in the Gaza Strip," including its offensive in Rafah. (Screengrab image: via CBN News)

Before the court issued its ruling, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared the military campaign in Rafah would intensify.

"We are strengthening our effort in Rafah. This operation will increase, more forces from the ground, more forces from the air, maneuver, and we will reach our goals—to hit Hamas very hard, to deprive its military capabilities," Gallant explained.

The Israel Defense Forces continue to advance in Rafah, the last major stronghold of Hamas.

The petition by South Africa falsely accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

European Nations Push to Reward Hamas Despite Its Brutal Terrorism

While the IDF continues to make progress against the terrorist stronghold in Rafah, other European nations are considering recognizing a Palestinian state.

Israeli government spokesman Avi Hyman responded to the initial decisions of Norway, Spain, and Ireland.

"What exactly has changed in the Palestinian Authority to warrant this prize?" Hyman asked. "They continue with their policy of 'pay for slay.' They continue to educate their children to hate. They still haven't held an election in 19 years. But it's worse than that. Fatah terrorists proudly participated in the October 7th massacre."

Israel Advances in Rafah, Discovers More Bodies of Hostages Stolen by Hamas

The IDF announced Friday that Israel has recovered three more bodies of hostages. The military says they were murdered by Hamas on October 7th and taken into Gaza.

Israel says around 100 hostages are still captive in Gaza, along with the bodies of around 30 more.

Military leaders on Thursday released the transcript of their interrogation of a Palestinian father and son who participated in the October 7th killings. They described a family orgy of rape and murder of a woman about 30 years old.

IDF: "Your father was the first to rape?"

Son: "Yes"

Son: "Then I, and Ahmed, we raped her too, and then we left. But I left before my father and Hassan, Ahmed, and I left."

IDF: "You left after you raped her?"

Son: "Yes, after we raped her."

IDF: "You left and went where?"

Son: "We left the house."

IDF: "Was she alive?"

Son: "No, my father killed her."

Son: "After he finished raping her, my father killed her."

Israel contends it's these kinds of atrocities that require the destruction of Hamas.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toured northern Israel Thursday—an area under near daily attack from the Iranian-backed Hezbollah since the day after the Hamas murders and abductions.

Nearly 100,000 Israelis remain away from their homes because of the fighting.

"We have detailed, important, even surprising plans—but I do not share these plans with the enemy—which are designed to do two things: restore security to the North; and second, return the residents safely to their homes," Netanyahu declared. (Screengrab image: via CBN News)

In Washington Thursday night, House Speaker Mike Johnson addressed the 76th anniversary of the State of Israel's founding at the Israeli Embassy.

He announced that Netanyahu will soon address a joint session of Congress.

At the event, the embassy set aside chairs for each of the hostages kidnapped on October 7th, and Johnson vowed the darkness of that day will not prevail.

"Sadly since the massacre of October 7th, we have seen an alarming increase in the dark forces of antisemitism and terror and oppression," Johnson stated. "Let me say this as clearly as we can. We will not and we cannot allow the darkness to prevail. We will not do it."

He added, "And we will be reminded of the words of Psalm 37 that reminds us that evil doers will soon wither away like grass and those who hope in the Lord will inherit the Promised Land." Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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