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Shocking: Courageous J6 Political Prisoner Shares Deplorable, Life-Threatening Conditions Facing Prisoners at Metro Detention Center Brooklyn

Assistant Editor : May 23, 2024  The Gateway Pundit

In addition, Ryan reports that prisoners spend more than 50% of their time locked down and are often deprived of religion practices.

[] J6 prisoner Ryan Samsel has been locked up for over three years now under the Biden regime and has faced continued medical neglect. (Image Pixabay)

In April, The Gateway Pundit reported that federal agents raided Samsel's jail cell and dragged him to solitary confinement in the hole of the Metropolitan Detention Center Brooklyn (MDC).

The conditions are so dangerous at MDC that in January, a Southern District of New York Judge refused to send a prisoner there, citing the horrific conditions.

It is one of the most notoriously dangerous jail systems in the country. 

Ryan reports black mold in the showers, a lack of cleaning supplies, leaking toilets, no emergency buttons in cells, dirty and extremely dusty and dirty units, expired food... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Continue reading, and view images of the conditions Here.

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