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'America Needs You': Some Sound Biblical Advice for Candidate Donald Trump

Michael Bresciani-Opinion : May 23, 2023  New American Prophet

In a spirit of humility and love for you and your wonderful family I can offer this advice...

[New AmericanProphet] This writer, preacher and prophet is among the millions of ordinary Americans who have appreciated what you did for us in your previous administration. (Screengrab image)

You kept your promises to us, you held our enemies at bay, and you promoted all the values that Americans hold dear.

We couldn't ask for much more, considering the troubled times in which we live.

In a spirit of humility and love for you and your wonderful family I can offer this advice. I am no great one by any standard, but as a seer, I must answer to God, and you also will give an account to our God in the last day.

There are only three simple, but very important pieces of advice that I offer as counsel.

  1. Seek God's help for every decision you make. Remember that no matter how much people love you, or hate you, they are not responsible for placing you into office. Never see them as your source, if you take your place in the White House again, they will be your responsibility, but God alone will be the source of your victory.

Trust this Scripture spoken by the prophet Daniel.

"Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are His: And He changeth the times and the seasons: He removeth kings, and setteth up kings: He giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding." (Daniel 2:20-21)

  1. Don't be harsh when speaking to or about those in your own party.

The Republicans are all your friends, and if the nomination goes to you, you will want their help. Many of them are already your allies and will return to your side at the right time.

People like Ron DeSantis are much loved by Floridians and Americans across the board. He is also one of the most effective governors in recent history – keep your friends close.

Don't give them derogatory nicknames because as they say, you will meet the same people coming down as you did when you were going up.

Your care in this matter will display self-control and respect from all your friends and more importantly from your enemies.

Consider these two passages and take them to heart.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger." (Proverbs 15:1)

"For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." (Matthew 12:37)

  1. As President we understand that it (is)your duty to protect the civil rights of all our citizens. That would include all those involved in same sex marriages and any part of the LGBTQ+ but, you must be careful to realize that supporting and promoting these practices and choices has no place in the Biblical counsel of the Living God.

In fact, the promise of the Scripture is that all these practices will come under the judgment of God in the last days.

Today, what started as an effort to call America to be more tolerant of gays has dissembled into a dangerous willingness to alter the bodies of children with dangerous hormones and surgeries. Children are being abused in the name of a sexual deviation. This will bring heavy scrutiny from God to the entire nation, it is a promise.

Do not take this path.

Never let the following verse of Scripture leave your memory—it is as solid as the Rock (Christ) that spoke it.

"And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in Me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea." (Mark 9:42)

Finally, When I was a young man, I had the good fortune of having, as one of my first pastors, Dr. Richard Land, who recently retired from the presidency of the Southern Evangelical Seminary. He was so well versed in the political scene in our nation that one day I asked him why he did not pursue public office. I will never forget his answer.

He exclaimed that, his own call as a preacher of the Gospel was a much higher calling.

I did not understand it at the time, but it is abundantly clear today.

It is because my calling in the Gospel is also as high as any can be, and yet, I am the lowest on the scales of all men.

This alone is the reason I offer this advice, in a loving and hopeful manner. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Run Mr. Trump, and win, America needs you.

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