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Why the Body of Christ Needs to Cover New Believer Kanye in Prayer... NOW!

Jennifer LeClaire : Nov 5, 2019

"...The devil would love to make a martyr out of Kanye. Clearly, he's doing damage to both the kingdom of darkness and the religious structure. He has the potential to spoil hell's plans for many who have looked up to him as a gifted entertainer. He's bold as a lion and doesn't seem to fear man, devil or beast..." -Jennifer LeClaire

EDITOR'S NOTE: You may be skeptical about Kanye West's public declaration of faith in the Lord, and subsequent Sunday Services and music, but the fact remains that he has come to Christ and the Holy Spirit seems to really be using him to draw others to Jesus. Instead of arguing over the validity of his salvation, let's COVER HIM and his family IN PRAYER! Jennifer LeClaire has shared a prophetic message of URGENCY regarding praying for Kanye, and has some good insight there as well, so I encourage you to read it in part below or in full at this link. The enemy would undoubtedly like nothing better than to coerce the Church to squelch or neglect supporting this out-of-the-box move of God, and the great influence this could have in bringing revival. Remember Jesus' command to us to "love one another" then in John 13:35; "Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are My disciples." -Aimee Herd, BCN (Image: via

[365Prophetic.comI Heard Death Threats in the Spirit against Kanye West

Some Christians are judging Kanye West's "sudden" salvation. Others are rejoicing wildly and pointing to his Damascus Road experience as a fulfillment of prophecy.

Meanwhile, I'm praying for Kanye because of what I am seeing in the spirit.

As I was listening to his new album, Jesus Is King, I had a sudden and disturbing revelation. I heard death threats in the spirit by well-organized henchmen who are outraged because they can no longer profit from his former idolatry and immorality.

This reminds me of Demetrius the silversmith in Acts 19. Demetrius was making money hand over fist—and so were many others—by crafting idols of Artemis, also known as Jezebel.

After Paul—another "wretch" who saw the light and immediately took a bold stance for Christ—preached the Gospel, witchcraft books went up in flames in the wake of a mass salvation not unlike what we just saw in Louisiana. Outraged, Demetrius stirred up the entire city against Paul. A riot ensued and it's likely Paul would not have survived the angry mob if his companions did not keep him out of harm's way.

Jezebel Don't Even Stand a Chance

As I listened to Kanye singing, "Jezebel don't even stand a chance…" in his song Closed on Sunday, I could see Jezebel's plans to take him out being hatched in a room filled with hard liquor and thick cigars.

This wouldn't be the first time Kanye was subject to violent threats. In 2018, Daz Dillinger put out a vulgar "Crip alert" calling for physical harm to Kanye because the rap star supported President Donald Trump. Bodyguards flanked him in subsequent public appearances...

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