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Plastic Surgeon: Sex-Change Operation 'Utterly Unacceptable' and a Form of 'Child Abuse'"Many people have been led to believe by a lot of very clever programs and advertising from plastic surgeons and whatnot that you can actually change a man into a woman or a girl into a boy or anything like that. You cannot. Essentially all you can do is you can modify people's bodies both with medicines as well as with surgery to make them appear to be the other sex, but they will never be the other sex." -Dr. Patrick Lappert
"It's a form of tyranny, exercising a form of tyranny over our own bodies," Dr. Patrick Lappert said. "And in the case of children, it's child abuse." Appearing on a recent broadcast of Relevant Radio's "Trending with Timmerie," Lappert said the view that the human body is something that someone owns, that they can do things in order to provoke happiness in themselves, is a self-reverential view divorced from the objective reality of the human person. Lappert briefly touched on the negative physical effects of same-sex sexual activity, and he also explained in detail the disturbing reality of what happens when a person undergoes so-called sex-change surgery. He called it "utterly unacceptable" on moral grounds for a plastic surgeon, because it disregards the surgeon's call to balance respect for both form and function of the body in his or her work. Regarding children, Lappert said, sexualizing them at a young age with these ideas is grooming them for later abuse. "It's atrocious," he said. "And no one even knows how that's going to play out. There's no body of scientific evidence to even support the safety of doing that to children. But it's being done." "Children do not have the capacity to consent to those sorts of treatments," Lappert said of sex-change procedures. "You cannot tell a pre-adolescent child anything about their adult life and expect that they're going to understand what you're telling them." "Their concept of themselves is in the formative years," he continued. "And to ask a child to think of their sexuality when they're pre-adolescent is utterly insane. And it's in fact another great evil that's being inflicted upon children because it's the sexualization of normal chaste friendships of childhood." Lappert also explained how suggesting to pre-adolescent children that they may be gay sexualizes chaste friendships and prompts them to think this way. 'They will never be the other sex' Asked "What is a sex change?" Lappert responded, "Well, to begin with, the idea that you can change someone's sex is a lie." "Many people have been led to believe by a lot of very clever programs and advertising from plastic surgeons and whatnot that you can actually change a man into a woman or a girl into a boy or anything like that," he said. "You cannot. Essentially all you can do is you can modify people's bodies both with medicines as well as with surgery to make them appear to be the other sex, but they will never be the other sex." Lappert, a board certified general surgeon and plastic and reconstructive surgeon, is a Navy and Marine veteran, as well as a permanent deacon for the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama. He is also chaplain for the Courage apostolate in the Birmingham diocese. Experts have said for years that surgery or hormone treatment for gender-confused individuals, and certainly encouraging transgender ideas in children, is not the solution, and can result in exacerbating their condition. Nonetheless, sex change surgeries have been on the rise, transgender ideology continues to be pushed in schools, civil government, and healthcare associations and institutions, while gender confused-individuals are also appearing more and more in pop culture, sports, media, and advertising. The beginning stages Lappert said gender confused individuals will typically begin by adopting a lifestyle and persona, change their name, hair and other aspects of their looks, and then move onto other identity components such as changing their driver's license and so on. Then hormonal medications are often introduced, and while sometimes these may initially make someone feel better about their gender confusion, this gives the false impression that surgical intervention will result in success, and taking hormones of the opposite sex over time can have a negative physical impact. Irreversible Most of the chemical interventions and cosmetic procedures done to alter a person's face or neck are to a degree reversible. However, Lappert warned, more invasive surgeries, such as mastectomy and procedures involving genitalia, are not... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Dr. Lappert goes on to describe the specifics of sex-change operations and their detriment to the human body both physically and mentally, continue reading here. All articles on this site and emails from BCN are copyrighted property of Breaking Christian News. Permission is given to link to, or share a BCN story if proper attribution is given to both the original writer and summarizer of the story. Breaking Christian News 2005-2019. All Rights Reserved. Breaking Christian News is a division of Elijah List Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: Articles and links, as well as the source articles linked to; do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Breaking Christian News.