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The Shocking and Reprehensible Jokes That Forced Me to Consider my Own Birth

Larry Tomczak-Opinion : May 7, 2018  Charisma News

God spared me, and I'm passionate about seeking justice for the most defenseless, innocent lives facing destruction. God tells us, "Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction" (Prov. 31:8).

[] The shocking and reprehensible "jokes" about abortion at the White House Correspondents' Dinner brought me to reflect on what's happening to America regarding the sanctity of life. (Photo: Michelle Wolf speaks at the White House Correspondents' Dinner/Credit: Reuters/via CBN News)

Cecile Richards stepped down from the presidency of Planned Parenthood on April 30, 2018. Her 12 years in a job left 3.5 million babies slaughtered, dismembered and chemically burned or poisoned to death; almost the same as the population of Los Angeles.

Her farewell statement: "For the last 12 years I've been honored" to fight for abortion. Afterwards, 41 senators and 153 members of Congress signed a letter asking for new regulations for the Title X Family Planning Program to strip $60 million yearly for the program.

My Journey of Life

I was born with a serious calcium deficiency that today could've prompted a mother to consider abortion. Pictures of my infancy reveal a sickly child who looked like death warmed over.

There were no ultrasounds back then revealing a child's in utero compartment of comfort. There was though, an almost universal respect for the sanctity of life, and my mom, a staunch Catholic, would never have considered terminating my life.

In a different time and with a different parent, I easily could've never seen the light of day. All the lives I've had the privilege of influencing over 46 years of ministry and 42 years of marriage would never have been touched; let alone the lives of my four children and seven grandchildren and their descendants. One son has four children; graduated from Harvard and served a governor and U.S senator. Our daughter is ministering with the national initiative "I Am Second." Another son is a pastor who, with his wife, has made a home for three precious orphan sons. It's a wonderful life.

God spared me, and I'm passionate about seeking justice for the most defenseless, innocent lives facing destruction. God tells us, "Open your mouth for the speechless in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction" (Prov. 31:8).

A while back, I heard evangelist James Robison tell a similar story to 1500 people at Liberty Counsel's Awakening conference in Orlando, Florida. He told us in transparency that he was the product of rape and that his mother was going for an abortion when a doctor intervened. That man's compassionate appeal saved his life.

I told stories like this and more in my book, "Bullseye." There is also a three-minute video on abortion at Leaders nationwide are involved in this initiative to give Christians the resources they need. You can and will become an informed influencer making a difference in today's confused culture.

We Must Awaken to the Insanity

We've now crossed the 60-million mark for aborted babies in America. Hitler exterminated 6 million Jews. We have already exterminated 10 times that number of children.

Let's let God stir our hearts to persevere in this preeminent social justice cause.

Before her death 15 months ago, Norma McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade legalizing abortion on demand, vowed, "I am dedicating to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name."

Look How Far and Fast We've Fallen

Georgetown University, the oldest Catholic university in America, not long ago hosted the president of Planned Parenthood as a speaker. The head of the nation's largest provider of abortions, who brazenly declared, "Shout your abortion!" propagandized at this Jesuit institution. This was unbelievable! For years I co-led a weekly gathering of hundreds of Christians on that very campus. Consider the disconnect as people refuse to recognize life in the womb alongside of irrefutable reality.

People openly celebrate a "baby bump" and inquire, "When's the baby due?"

Pick up People magazine and see a regular feature, "Baby News." Readers rejoice with celebrity couples expecting their "second daughter" or soon-coming "baby boy." Not long ago they ran a story in the publication entitled "Whose Babies are They?" depicting a surrogate mom expecting triplets.

In a movie now on cable, "London Has Fallen," Gerard Butler talks to the unborn baby in his wife's womb, and she does likewise, in a touching scene.

Pictures are routinely splashed across newspapers and magazines of celebrities with their girlfriends beaming with excitement as they gush about their expected baby boy or girl.

Are millions so blinded and heartless in our nation that we've lost almost all sense of moral discernment? What is so obvious about a "baby on board" somehow seems indiscernible.

Here's the Deal

Secular forces are ever so aggressive in seducing masses with their viewpoint that we are on a slippery slope in danger of being overtaken by massive deception regarding the sanctity of unman life. Last month's Omnibus spending bill funded Planned Parenthood to the tune of $500 of our tax money. At present the aborted baby toll stands at 91:1. In plain terms, 91 unborn babies have been dismembered for every one American who lost his or her life in every U.S. war in history.

To counter the avalanche of satanic delusion in our culture, senior leaders in America are calling people to become informed influencers as salt and light. But we must be prepared to winsomely and accurately address issues like abortion and other hot button topics to rescue people before it's too late.

America's greatest need is a spiritual awakening! And to foster this awakening, leaders like Jack Hayford, RT Kendall, Steve Strang, Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson, Michael W. Smith, Che Ahn, James Goll, Michael Brown, Bob Weiner, George Grant and others are calling for Christians everywhere to take the innovative Bullseye Challenge. Our local church in Nashville is doing did this initiative together as a congregation.

Motivation gets you started, but habit keeps you going. So we are challenging God's people to develop a holy habit of investing 15 minutes for 30 days to understand and then speak confidently, winsomely and Biblically when engaging people on abortion, as well as Islam, the LGBT agenda, immigration, physician-assisted suicide, marijuana, gay "marriage," living together, sex trafficking, transgenderism, social justice and more.

Since the theme of this commentary was abortion and the sanctity of life, simply click here and watch for three minutes and be changed. Make a quality decision to take the Bullseye Challenge. Then go help reach others through the Gospel and unchanging truth that sets people free! (Photo: Larry Tomczack/via Charisma News)

God spared me for a purpose. This also applies to you!

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 45 years, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel.

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