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Iowa Governor Signs Heartbeat Bill into Law! How You Can Help It Become a Federal Law Now

Janet Porter : May 7, 2018  Faith2Action

"We call on Speaker Paul Ryan to follow Iowa's lead and call an immediate floor vote on the federal Heartbeat Bill (H.R. 490), now with 171 co-sponsors—more than any pro-life bill in Congress." -Janet Porter

(Des Moines, IA)—[Faith2Action] Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed the state Heartbeat Bill into law today, legally protecting unborn babies in Iowa whose beating hearts can be detected. (Image: via

"We thank Gov. Reynolds and the leaders in the Iowa State Senate and House who worked tirelessly to keep hearts beating," said Janet Porter, President of Faith2Action, who authored the nation's first Heartbeat Bills at the state and federal level.

"We call on Speaker Paul Ryan to follow Iowa's lead and call an immediate floor vote on the federal Heartbeat Bill (H.R. 490), now with 171 co-sponsors—more than any pro-life bill in Congress," declared Porter.

Former Majority Leader Tom DeLay testified for the Iowa Heartbeat Bill in committee and has been leading the team fighting for passage of the federal Heartbeat Bill in Washington, sponsored by Congressman Steve King, from Iowa. "Leaving Congress without ending abortion is my biggest regret—a regret Speaker Ryan doesn't have to have," said DeLay.
"Speaker Ryan can call for a floor vote to end abortion for every baby whose heartbeat can be heard right now—there's nothing stopping him," stated DeLay.

DeLay also offered advice to the Speaker and the Republicans in Congress: "Nothing will bring out the Republican base in the midterm elections more than keeping your pro-life promises by passing the federal Heartbeat Bill, H.R. 490." Leader Delay was fully exonerated from every trumped-up charge against him.

In the last two weeks, more than 300,000 faxes were sent to Speaker Ryan, leadership, and members of Congress calling for a vote of the federal Heartbeat Bill. Porter added, "In addition to Congress, other states will soon be introducing and passing Heartbeat Bills. It's common sense—to ignore a fetal heartbeat is to deny science."

Free faxes can be sent to Speaker Ryan's Washington, D.C. and three Wisconsin district offices by simply clicking the "Free Fax" icon at

Here is the FAX message which has already been delivered more than 300,000 times:

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act..."
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

It is time to act. We implore you to keep your pro-life promises and bring the Heartbeat Bill, H.R. 490, to an immediate floor vote to protect hundreds of thousands of innocent children each year whose beating hearts can be detected.

The Heartbeat Bill will protect more lives than any bill ever passed in Congress.

With 170 members of Congress on the bill, the Heartbeat Bill has more co-sponsors than any other pro-life bill.

It is supported by the President and the Vice President.

It is supported by hundreds of national leaders and pro-life organizations.

It is backed by seven out of ten in America, 86 percent of Republicans, and 55 percent of Democrats (George Barna poll, 2017).

We elected pro-life Republican majorities in the House and the Senate to END abortion, not merely regulate it.

President Trump has promised to fill every upcoming Supreme Court vacancy with pro-life justices, who will be ready to uphold the Heartbeat Bill.

After 45 years of microscopic incrementalism, nearly a million American children are still brutally killed by legal abortion every single year.

Just because one organization refuses to act does not excuse inaction on your part.

Every day we delay, thousands of innocent babies will be needlessly and brutally killed in our nation, babies the Heartbeat Law will protect.

You have it within your power to act and bring the Heartbeat Bill to an immediate floor vote.

As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, "Not to act is to act. God will not hold us guiltless."

This is your chance to make history to call for a vote to save every child whose heartbeat can be heard before you leave office. Please don't miss it.

Proverbs 24:11-12 (NLT)
Rescue those who are unjustly sentenced to die;
Save them as they stagger to their death.
Do not excuse yourself by saying, "Look, we did not know."
For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
He who guards your soul knows you knew.
He will repay all people as their actions deserve.

(Your name here)

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