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This State May Officially Label Abortion "The Ultimate Form of Child Abuse"The legislator calling for the amendment expressed concern that the state's allowance of Medicaid to fund some abortions creates an incentive for women to seek abortions because it can mean "a free trip to the city."
Rep. David Eastman, R-Wasilla, introduced the amendment to a resolution designating April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. The Associated Press reported that Eastman thinks it's inappropriate to talk about child abuse without mentioning abortion. Eastman also expressed concern that the state's allowance of Medicaid to fund some abortions creates an incentive for women to seek abortions because it can mean "a free trip to the city." Abortion is legal throughout pregnancy in the state. Alaska is close to the bottom of Americans United for Life's state rankings of laws protecting pre-born humans, in 34th place. During late-term abortions, which are legal in Alaska even though after 20 weeks in the womb a pre-born baby can feel pain, an abortionist injects a lethal drug, digoxin or potassium chloride, into the baby before delivering her. Many babies who are aborted during the third trimester would be able to survive outside the womb. Click here to continue reading.
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