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In London, Where The Mayor is a Muslim, Quotes From Jesus Will be Featured on City Buses

Peter Wooding : Apr 10, 2017  Assist News Service

"In the wake of the Westminster attacks it is clear that hope, or to be precise the lack of hope, is becoming an issue in this generation. We think the Bible has a lot say about hope and our vision for this campaign is to influence the hearts, minds and perceptions of this generation, to offer them hope and faith for a better future." – Howard Conder, Quote Jesus

(London, England) — [Assist News Service] A major new campaign that will use London buses to advertise the words of Jesus goes live this Easter. Instead of the regular adverts enticing people to enjoy London's latest show or sample the latest sportswear, this Easter, London's trademark Routemaster "Boris" buses will feature the words of Jesus. (Photo Credit: QuoteJesus via Assist News Service)

Organizers believe the campaign can influence hearts, minds and perceptions, and offer people today a glimpse of hope and belief for a better future.

Howard Conder, founder of Revelation TV and the creative force behind the campaign, said: "In the wake of the Westminster attacks it is clear that hope, or to be precise the lack of hope, is becoming an issue in this generation. We think the Bible has a lot say about hope and our vision for this campaign is to influence the hearts, minds and perceptions of this generation, to offer them hope and faith for a better future."

The announcement of the Quote Jesus campaign comes at the same time as the British Health Select Committee revealed that 4,820 suicides took place in 2015 and vowed to do more to address this alarming statistic. Speaking to Premier Christian Radio, Conservative MP and a member of Select Committee on Health, Andrew Selous, said, "People take their own lives when they don't have any hope for the future and that's just such a tragic and unnecessary state of mind to be in."

A recent poll by the Guardian also found that a quarter of young men had turned to self-harm to deal with difficult emotions and another quarter had considered it. Against this backdrop, Quote Jesus is seeking to bring Jesus' words of hope to many people struggling in this generation. The campaign's vision is to address the lack of hope that is plaguing for many people. (Photo Credit: QuoteJesus via Assist News Service)

The Quote Jesus bus campaign has been piloted across the South East of England in the weeks leading up to Easter. For two weeks starting April 10th, quotes of Jesus including; "Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die", "In my Father's house there are many mansions" and "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life", will appear on 75 Routemaster buses around the capital, designed to convey ‘hope' to those that see them.

Conder continued: "It was second nature to attend church when I was growing up, but today how many people know that Jesus said, ‘Do not worry for each day has enough worry of its own' or ‘Come to me all that are weary and burdened and I will give you rest'?" Conder believes that "The Bible is a book of ‘hope' and this generation is missing out because it has little knowledge of what the Bible has to say."

News of the pilot campaign has spread quickly and endorsements have been received from Christians in America, Australia and many parts of the UK. Plans are in place to expand the campaign to other locations, both in the UK and around the world, utilizing buses and other advertising media.

Conder said the inspiration for Quote Jesus came from His personal experience. "Growing up in the sixties and being involved in the music scene I was exposed to many influences, but the words of Jesus made sense and left the biggest impression. I want people to experience what I did and understand that there is hope, both for ourselves and for a better world."

In addition to bus advertising, the campaign will also run online [] and via social media [#quotejesus] providing more examples of the words of hope that Jesus spoke.

Quote Jesus is a campaign to publicize the words of the Bible to this generation. Through an advertising campaign this Easter, on buses throughout London and the South East, the campaign hopes to influence hearts, minds and perceptions, offering people a glimpse of hope and belief for a better future.

Quote Jesus has been created by Howard Conder, the founder of Revelation TV. Howard's belief is "that the Bible has a lot say about ‘hope' and our strategy is simply to present the words of the Bible, leaving people free to respond as they choose".

Assist News Service

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