Breaking Christian News

Viral Post on Praying for Tuesday's Election TONIGHT at 6pm throughout the USA

Aimee Herd : Nov 4, 2024
Breaking Christian News / X

Will you stop and pray?

[Breaking Christian News] A viral post has been making the rounds in the last week on social media. (Image: iStock)

It is encouraging all Believers in the US to stop what they're doing and pray for the election at 6pm in each of the local time zones on Monday evening.

The post states:

On Monday night, Nov. 4th, Christians from all over the country will pause at 6:00pm in their local time zones to pray for our Nation.

We are simply praying that God will hear our prayers and heal our land.

We need a fresh outpouring of God's Holy Spirit in our country.

I am personally praying for another Great Awakening. I am praying.

Readers are encouraged to pass the note on in hopes of engaging the Church in America to pray. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Click Here to view the post on X.