Breaking Christian News

'Thousands of Pastors' Pray for President Trump as He's Featured on Clay Clark's Thrivetime Podcast

Aimee Herd : Mar 21, 2023
Thrivetime Show

When asked what his most pressing prayer would be, it wasn't for himself. President Trump asked people to pray for the safety of America and Americans, in light of the dangerous threats from China, Iran and others.

[Breaking Christian News] Clay Clark, host of the Thrivetime Show podcast, on Monday, featured a call from President Donald Trump so many pastors, and listeners could pray over him. (Click on screengrab image on the left to watch the Thrivetime Show video)

Regarding Trump, Clark noted: "...It doesn't matter about [Trump's] personality; what did he DO, when he was in office? Think about this for a second. There is not a single president that I can think of that has done more to stand up for Church rights, than President Donald J Trump."

Clark added, "At the peak of the wokeism, guess who took a Bible and [stood] in front of a church to stand up for the Church; President Trump did that. Guess who put 3 Supreme Court Justices in that were able to overturn Roe v Wade; President Trump ... Who built a wall to help keep America safe? President Trump. Who lowered taxes to make life more affordable for everyday Americans; President Trump. Who created more jobs than any president I can think of? President Donald J Trump..."

Kash Patel, an adviser to Trump, who was featured on Clark's Monday Thrivetime broadcast shared an important point for fellow conservatives that we cannot afford to be "torn apart because we don't agree on everything."

"...The Democrats have known that for a long time. They put aside some of their differences, even to some of their strictest values, to say 'the greater good is us winning.' And that's what I believe in," said Patel, "That's what President Trump believes in. That's why he's a great businessman because he's a great negotiator, and he understands the value of compromise on certain points. And I think if our following can learn that, then we can really have some impactful change, come 2024."

During his broadcast, Clay Clark was joined by President Donald Trump on the phone, and "Pastors For Trump" as they prayed for him. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Click HERE to view and listen to Clark's Thrivetime Show, and the live prayer time for and with President Trump. The prayer for President Trump begins at about :29:37 in the video.