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A New Path Forward: Give Him 15-January 21, 2025

Dutch Sheets : Jan 21, 2025  Give Him 15

We are entering the year 2025. Five is the Biblical number of grace. The number 25 (5x5) is associated with great grace. Grace is being multiplied this year to accomplish great Kingdom endeavors!

[] Jane Hamon, a dear friend of ours, recently released a 2-part word for 2025. I want to share the word Holy Spirit gave Jane—a word I believe will stir your faith and position you for the days ahead. This is Part 1. Part 2 will come tomorrow! Today's title is: (Screengrab image: via

2025 - A New Path Forward, Part 1 (A Golden Age of Awakening & A Renaissance of Righteousness)

A Year of Revolution, Resolution, and Restitution

As we closed out 2024, I recognized that the prophetic word I gave at the beginning of the year—"A Time of Victory Over Chaos"—and the word I gave at Rosh Hashanah—"A Time of Navigating Contrary Winds"—were still in the process of being fulfilled into the first quarter of 2025. These first months of the new year will be important for prayer and positioning, as the enemy will continue to stir the pot of chaos, crisis, and calamity, not only in the USA but in the nations of the earth. We are winning, but we must push on.

While there have been certain breakthroughs in the US election cycle, we should remember that the definition of the word breakthrough means "a military movement or advance all the way through and beyond the enemy's front line defense; the overcoming of every obstacle, barrier, and hindrance to progress." In other words, breakthrough is not the end of a matter but a new beginning. In World War II, D-Day was a day of incredible breakthrough that positioned the allied troops to go "through and beyond" to liberate cities and nations against unparalleled evil in the earth. The goal was never to merely take the beaches; it was to break through and go beyond into a time of victory and restoration. We are now living in such a time.

God has a mobilized spiritual army, the Ekklesia (the Church), that is breaking through decades-old barriers and setting the stage for a Golden Age of Awakening, Revival, and Reformation. A Golden Age is a time in history characterized by peace, prosperity, unity, and stability. As this unfolds we must remain mindful and spiritually watchful against the enemy's plans for the exact opposite: chaos, economic and cultural decline, and all-out war.

I heard the Lord say He was bringing us into a time of a Renaissance of Righteousness. I looked up the definition of Renaissance, and here is what I found: Rebirth, Reawakening ( A new growth of activity or a new interest in something as it becomes strong and active again; revival (

Historically, the term Renaissance refers to the time after the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages was a time of cultural decline, corruption in the government of the Holy Roman Empire, dissatisfaction with the authoritarianism of the Catholic Church, and the breakup of old oppressive feudal systems. This dark age set the stage for the Protestant Reformation, the discovery of new lands, innovation (for example, the printing press), science, and artistic expression.

Today, skepticism and unbelief are at an all-time high. However, there is an awakening happening across America and throughout the earth as hunger for truth and an authentic relationship with God is taking hold. Righteousness is making a Comeback!! Truth is prevailing; scales are falling from eyes; hearts are being opened in ways unseen for generations. A new Reformation is at hand!

Dream/Vision – A New Path Forward

On December 30, 2024, I awoke from a dream and continued with a vision after waking in which I saw a land devastated—dark and smoldering—with a golden pathway through the devastation. Jesus (Yeshua), was walking on this path. Righteous people were walking with Him, moving forward on this path and urging others to join them. It was essentially a straight path with only gentle curves, as every crooked place had been made straight.

I was reminded of Proverbs 4:18, "The path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until full day" (ESV); also Isaiah 26:7, "The path of the righteous is level; You, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth" (NIV). The New Living Translation of this verse in Isaiah says: "But for those who are righteous, the way is not steep and rough. You are a God who does what is right, and You smooth out the path ahead of them." Also, Psalm 65:11 tells us, "You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance."

Interestingly, the Hebrew word for "path" means to roll or revolve; in other words, a path is the track made by a wheel. This is important because I heard the Lord say this would be a year of breaking old cycles and establishing new patterns or pathways of success. This pertains to marriages, family relationships, business strategies, and the Kingdom of God's growth and expansion. It includes making crooked places straight in culture and government—establishing a new path forward for nations and breaking cycles of corruption and degeneration.

Back to the Vision:

Suddenly, many began to emerge out of the devastation. They were dirty and disheveled, seemingly hopeless regarding the future. But as they stepped onto this glorious pathway, they were transformed. Instead of dirty clothing, skin, and hair, suddenly, all was clean and sparkling. Hope and wonder lit up their faces as old things passed away and all things became new. They were stepping into a new beginning. I heard the words, "It's a new day of grace, a time of rebirth, a season of new strength to win battles at the gate."

Such a hopeful vision of the future and of revival!

We are entering the year 2025. Five is the Biblical number of grace. The number 25 (5x5) is associated with great grace. Grace is being multiplied this year to accomplish great Kingdom endeavors!

The Lord woke me on December 27th to read the book of Ezekiel, which is all about God judging Israel and surrounding nations for their sin and idolatry. But in Israel's 25th year of captivity, God gives Ezekiel a vision of a new future—a restored temple and a rebuilt Jerusalem. In the beginning of the book, the Glory of God departs from the temple; after restoration, the Glory returns. Ezekiel is a story of judgment and forgiveness, repentance and restoration—a story of grace and Glory.

John 1:16 says, "And of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace." In Greek, the phrase "grace upon grace" suggests an ongoing supply of divine grace and favor that builds upon our previous blessings. This isn't just a single act of favor; it's perpetual, continuous, and overflowing with abundance.

Let grace be multiplied in 2025!

Pray with me:

Father, as we move into this new year, we thank You for helping us move through the chaos of the past season. We will persevere until we have fully put this chaos behind us. Thank You for the victory we experienced yesterday. We believe it signals great change.

You said to Jane Hamon that the breakthrough would continue, that we were moving into a time of a renaissance of righteousness. You called it a golden age of awakening, revival, and reformation. We ask You for this. Bring it to America and ripened nations around the world.

Give to many millions of people the reversing of the devastation, as You showed Jane in the dream. Put them on the path forward into new beginnings; help them break old cycles and establish new patterns and pathways of success. And we ask You for multiplied grace, grace upon grace. Abundant, perpetual, continuous grace, overflowing with abundance. We ask for this in 2025. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Today's post was contributed by our friend Jane Hamon. You can find out more about Jane at

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