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Why All Pro-Lifers Should Support the Rescuers Jailed over the FACE Act

Louis Knuffke-Analysis : Sep 27, 2023

An appeal to SCOTUS to get the FACE Act struck down could also initiate an investigation into the evidence for criminal activity at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, ultimately closing the abortion center and putting abortionist Santangelo behind bars.

(Washington, DC) – [LifeSiteNews.comIn this three-part series, LifeSiteNews reporter Louis Knuffke explains why the shockingly biased DC trials, at which he was present, could ultimately lead to victory for the unborn. Part One may be accessed here, and Part Two here . (Image: Unsplash-Maria Oswalt)


The sacrifice of the newly jailed rescuers may win the battle for the unborn

The rescue conducted by the now-imprisoned pro-lifers on October 22, 2020, in Washington, DC, was a direct challenge to the FACE Act. They believe that the unborn are human persons deserving of protection and that abortion and infanticide are murder. The Biden DOJ is now using FACE to imprison these rescuers because it believes this is the surest way to scare pro-lifers into total compliance with abortion laws and keep them from interfering with their million-dollar baby-killing industry. The case is important because a challenge to FACE is a challenge to abortion, and upholding FACE is protecting abortion.

Indeed, the federal government has indicated there is "urgency" in using FACE to assure abortion access after Dobbs. It is now attempting to make an example of these rescuers, highlighting this case especially because it involves a late-term abortion clinic in the nation's capital.

The significance should not be lost on Americans, as Democrats have pushed relentlessly to secure abortion at all stages of pregnancy with no restrictions, even resisting bills against infanticide. It is no coincidence that the DOJ and FBI are rallying around a FACE Act case that involves a late-term abortion clinic at which the abortionist has admitted he would commit infanticide.

It should be clear now to pro-lifers that the rescue movement aggravates and worries abortion advocates more than any other pro-life activity. Rescue is direct, and its effectiveness may be measured in the numerous abortion mills closed by Operation Rescue before President Clinton signed the FACE Act into law.

RELATED: Veteran pro-life activist Monica Miller answers several common objections to rescues

Should the present case take the short path to SCOTUS, it can and should be expanded to the more universal and more fundamental arguments about the unconstitutionality of FACE and the personhood of the unborn. With Dobbs now as governing precedent, the time is ripe to strike the FACE Act down, and this DC pro-life trial is the case to do just that.

Not only could an appeal to SCOTUS get the FACE Act struck down, but it could also initiate, through Congressional oversight in DC, an investigation into the evidence for criminal activity at the Washington Surgi-Clinic, ultimately closing the abortion center and putting Santangelo behind bars... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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