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The Sleep Trick Everyone Over 50 Should Know

Paid Advertisement : Nov 17, 2018  

The Sleep Trick Everyone
Over 50 Should Know
Tossing and turning all night? Harvard and MIT research
reveals two likely culprits—and a solution that works.
Woman sleeping on bed
If you or your spouse are among the 1 in 3 adults who suffer from chronic sleep problems, you know too well just how frustrating and debilitating this can be.[1]

And new research is clearly showing how ongoing sleep issues can lead to serious health consequences—including cognitive decline.

But imagine if you could simply close your eyes tonight, relax and drift off to sleep within minutes of your head touching the pillow. And remain in a deep sleep all night long!

And imagine that every night was like this—with your mind disengaging from thoughts, worries and replays of the day's events as if you didn't have a care in the world. As if night after night you are enjoying the most relaxing vacation of your life.
You Simply Hit the Lights, and Before
You Know It, You're Asleep
I'm Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now, one of the fastest-growing natural health publications in the nation. My passion for natural health drives me to seek the truth about the causes of health problems and to educate people on alternative solutions that are both safe and effective.

Please keep reading, because I would like to tell you about a safe, natural and very effective solution that can help you enjoy restful nights of blissful, uninterrupted sleep.

You see, as we age, it's very common for nature to throw a wrench in the sleep process. You know what I mean if you just can't seem to fall—and stay—asleep as easily as you used to, even when you're feeling exhausted. You go to sleep exhausted...and you wake up exhausted. It's not a good feeling.

And now a new 2018 report from the famous Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry offers a tantalizing clue as to why.

It describes how specialized sleep-inducing neurons trigger a winding down process in your brain when you start to drift off.[2] Think of your computer when you click the "shut down" command, and the way it closes applications one by one until it turns itself off.

Your brain goes through a similar sequence.

But if you're over 50 years old, this natural process is often disrupted by a short supply of two of the most important sleep drivers...
Joshua Corn Bio
...And That Spells Trouble When It's
Time to Call It a Night
So if your mind keeps racing when your head hits the pillow...If you toss and turn all night and feel groggy the next morning...

...Or if you're one of the millions of people who struggle to get back to sleep after a nighttime trip to the bathroom, I have great news for you.

Knowing about these two important, yet often disrupted, sleep drivers may finally provide the key to solving the vexing sleep problem that has been frustrating you for months, years or even decades.

I'll explain more about these two sleep drivers later, because solving this issue is the key to getting a great night's sleep. However, first, I want to remind you about how damaging it can be to your body to be perpetually exhausted.
Sleep Like a Baby Again, All Night Long...
Every Night
Without a doubt, the latest wave of sleep research is the most significant yet, and it comes at an absolutely critical time with so many millions of adults struggling with chronic sleep problems.

And the damaging effects go well beyond the frustrating fatigue and exhausting daytime sleepiness.[3,4]

Indeed, we already know that chronic sleep troubles can have damaging effects.
The Damaging Effects of CHRONIC SLEEP PROBLEMS
Every one of these consequences of sleep deprivation is a good reason to seek better sleep, but a recent editorial in JAMA Neurology sounds the alarm on what could be the worst consequence of all:[5]
Chronic Sleep Problems Can Seriously
Damage Your Brain
In a 2018 study, Mayo Clinic scientists found that sleep deprivation increases the likelihood of age-related memory loss.[6]

This follows a 2017 study that linked poor sleep to higher levels of other biological markers associated with age-related brain conditions.[7] Another 2018 study even determined that one sleepless night alone can be damaging—leaving behind harmful protein debris in your brain.[8]

It's why top brain scientists now believe that getting a full 7-8 hours of sleep every night could very well be...
The Single Best Way to Protect Brain Health
A 2015 study showed how adults who enjoyed healthy sleep had significantly fewer signs of visible protein debris on their brain scans than adults who slept poorly.[9]

In fact, research indicates that while you sleep, it's as if your brain runs its own self-cleaning cycle, sweeping away this dangerous debris.[10]

Sleep removes the day's metabolic waste before any of these harmful protein fragments can accumulate and affect your cognitive health...

...but you need enough sleep for this to happen.

So this may be the most important reason of all to seek the healthy sleep that's eluding you. Especially now, because...
Getting That All-Night, Rejuvenating Sleep
Is Easier Than You Ever Dreamed Possible
The solution lies with the two sleep drivers I mentioned earlier that are vital contributors to the sleep-inducing process.

The first is the widely-known sleep hormone, melatonin.

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in your brain and secreted according to your circadian sleep-wake cycle. Daylight suppresses melatonin synthesis. But at night, melatonin is released in prodigious amounts with peak levels coming in the hours after midnight.

Indeed, nighttime melatonin levels in your brain are at least 10 times greater than daytime concentrations.[11] So your brain circuits are flooded with it.

Healthy levels of melatonin are critical to initiating and maintaining sleep.
An Age-Related Melatonin Deficit Is Likely a
Major Source of Your Sleep Troubles
You see, your melatonin production peaks in childhood, when you could sleep anytime and anywhere, and begins a steady decline after that.

By the time you reach 60, you could have as little as 20% of the melatonin levels you enjoyed in your youth.[12] Plus, many common drugs and over-the-counter medications can further inhibit melatonin synthesis.[13]

As your levels dwindle, so can your prospects for dependable, restful sleep.

The good news is that numerous compelling studies show that supplementing with melatonin can quickly restore normal sleep.[14,15]

However, you absolutely must be sure that you're taking the right kind of melatonin.
Age Related Melatonin Deficit
The Frustrating Flaw with Typical
Melatonin Supplements
If you have taken melatonin in the past with little success, this is vital information you need to know.

Typical melatonin supplements—the kind that are widely available in nearly every grocery and discount store—peak in your body 3-4 hours after you take them. Sure, they may help you fall asleep. But after a few hours, you find yourself wide awake, tossing and turning, staring at the ceiling, desperately trying to get back to sleep.

The result: You wake up feeling no more rested than you did without taking the melatonin!

The key is to look for a supplement that includes extended-release melatonin. This way, rather than having all the melatonin enter your bloodstream right after you take it, you get a steady supply of melatonin throughout the entire night, and you won't find yourself wide awake at 3 a.m.
Extended-Release Melatonin Works
with Your Own Natural Sleep‑Wake Cycle
In a breakthrough study, adults over 55 who were given 2 mg of extended-release melatonin before bedtime for three weeks reported greater morning alertness, along with a significant improvement in their sleep quality.[16]

Best of all, this form of melatonin doesn't leave you groggy the next morning, so you can take it every night as a long-term solution.

A nightly dose of extended-release melatonin helped another group of older adults fall asleep faster, enjoy better sleep quality and feel brighter in the morning over the entire course of a six-month study.[17]

And this extra daily melatonin can be downright good for you. Multiple studies show it provides significant cardiovascular,[18] neuroprotective[19] and anti-inflammatory support.[20]

The bottom line—melatonin is a healthy, natural, science-backed solution. And taking the right kind is your first "missing link" to the best sleep you've had in years.
The Second "Missing Link" Calms Your
Racing Mind at the Very Onset of Sleep
The second key to consistent, restful sleep is an amino acid called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA for short.

Your brain naturally produces this neurotransmitter, and it works as a calming agent as your mind disengages from the wakeful state to the sleeping state.

It's released directly into active brain circuits to inhibit alertness and promote relaxation.[2] Before you know it, your racing mind quiets down and quickly and gently fades off to sleep.
But If GABA Levels Are Too Low,
Falling Asleep Can Be a Nightly Struggle
In a Harvard Medical School study, scientists found that people with chronic sleep problems had 30% lower levels of GABA on average
than normal.[21]

What's more, researchers at Columbia University as well as Indiana University have also noted reduced brain levels of GABA in patients who suffer anxiety issues.[22,23]

It all ties together.

When your overtired mind becomes preoccupied with worries, it's next to impossible to fall asleep. Those racing thoughts can keep you up all night—especially when your brain's primary relaxing agent is in short supply.[24]
This Special Form of GABA Helps Ease
Your Bedtime Anxieties
The discovery of GABA's calming role was met with excitement in the natural health world, but unfortunately, the synthetic GABA supplements that quickly became widely available were not easily absorbed and didn't provide much help at all.

But that all changed when a new, all-natural GABA was developed.

This breakthrough form of GABA is produced by fermentation using the same friendly probiotic (L. hilgardii) found in a traditional Korean fermented food called kimchi.

And it's a genuine game-changer. This new form of GABA has been scientifically shown to promote calmness and relaxation while decreasing the beta-wave brain activity linked with nervousness and anxiety.[25] Best of all...
Multiple Clinical Studies Show Natural GABA
Lives up to GABA's Great Promise
In a 7-day study, natural GABA reduced the time it took patients to fall asleep and increased sleep quality and efficiency (the amount of time asleep while in bed). Participants also reported improvements in the way they felt upon waking.[26]

In a second 4-week study with elderly adults, participants reported improved sleep habits and less drowsiness in the morning, along with a welcomed decrease in nighttime urination frequency.[27]

A third non-sleep study showed how this specific type of GABA effectively eased stress. Participants reported calmer feelings and EEG readings confirmed it: They showed measurably decreased stress responses.[28]

In other words, it really works. EEG readings don't lie!

What's more, natural GABA is quickly absorbed. It begins promoting the relaxation response within 5 to 30 minutes after ingestion[29]—making it perfect for bedtime.

It's the second "missing link" to consistent, restful sleep and just what you need to say goodbye to that frustrating "racing mind" syndrome.
My Simple Three-Step Buyer's Guide
for the Best Sleep You've Had in Years
So to fall asleep easily and sleep like a log every night, simply follow these three simple guidelines:
1. Choose a dual-action melatonin. This is critical! Regular melatonin does a great job of helping you fall asleep quickly, but because its effects only last a few hours, you also need extended-release melatonin to help you stay asleep or fall back asleep easily.
2. Insist on natural GABA. Even today, many of the GABA supplements available in discount stores and online are synthetically produced and ineffective. I firmly recommend highly-absorbable natural GABA to ease feelings of stress and anxiety that are so often the enemy of a good night's sleep.
3. Get the right amount of each ingredient. Look for a 3 mg dose of melatonin, split between regular melatonin and extended-release melatonin. Most widely available products contain one type of melatonin or the other, but you really need both together. As for GABA, you want 200 mg of natural, rapid-absorption GABA in every daily serving. That's the science-backed amount for optimal results.
A Superior Natural Sleep Solution
Questions about frustrating sleep issues are the most common category of inquiries I get from my readers on a regular basis. And I learned firsthand from them how hard it was to find a convenient, natural, non-habit-forming sleep aid that works.

But with such compelling research on melatonin and GABA, I knew there had to be a better solution.

You see, in addition to my work with Live in the Now, I also run Stop Aging Now, a company that has been making premium-quality supplements for over 20 years.

So I went to work with my Scientific Advisory Board to create a comprehensive sleep formula that combines regular melatonin and natural PharmaGABA® to help you fall asleep quickly and easily, with extended-release melatonin to help you stay asleep and get back to sleep.

It's called DreamWell® ULTRA and it's available for as low as $14.95 for a full month's supply for every night usage. It also ships to you for free and comes with a one year money-back guarantee. So if you, or somebody you love has sleep issues, you have every reason in the world to try out this amazing formula.
5 Reasons Why DreamWell ULTRA Is
Your Best Choice
1. DreamWell ULTRA gives you research-backed doses of the two top non-habit-forming sleep supporters, melatonin and GABA, shown to promote healthy, rejuvenating sleep without the sluggishness and side effects associated with other sleep aids.
2. DreamWell ULTRA provides 3 mg of dual-action melatonin beadlets. You get 1.5 mg of regular melatonin to help you fall asleep quickly, plus 1.5 mg of extended-release melatonin to help you stay asleep. The key is taking both forms of melatonin together shortly before bedtime.
3. DreamWell ULTRA features a full 200 mg of Natural PharmaGABA® in every capsule. That's twice the amount of this fast-calming compound used in studies I cited above, and the top end of the 100-200 mg recommended serving size, so you can be sure you're getting the best natural GABA in truly substantial levels.
4. Quality You Can Trust: DreamWell ULTRA combines the two forms of pure, premium-grade melatonin with PharmaGABA® in one easy-to-swallow capsule. It's made in an FDA-inspected facility to meet or exceed the stringent USP standards for quality, purity, potency and disintegration.
5. It's Affordable: DreamWell ULTRA costs as little as $14.95 per bottle containing a full month's supply. That's a small price to pay for this state-of-the-art formula that will help you sleep soundly through the night.

It Ships for Free and Is Risk Free: DreamWell ULTRA is not available in stores. But it ships to you for free and comes with an amazing guarantee! If it doesn't help you get a full night of restful sleep, night after night, I'll gladly send you a full refund of every penny you paid—up to one year after purchase. That way you can try it without risk!
Our Customers Say It Best!
I love hearing success stories from people like you who tried DreamWell ULTRA and are sleeping better than they have in years. Here are just a few of my favorites:
This product allows me to get back to sleep
"I used to take just regular melatonin before bed, but I would waken during the night and couldn't get back to sleep. Thankfully DreamWell ULTRA allows me to get back to sleep. My husband loves it too!"*
—Carol K from Essex Junction, VT
DreamWell ULTRA lasts the whole night through!
"I have a high stress job so getting a good night's sleep is very important to me. With its slow-release formula, DreamWell ULTRA lasts the whole night through! Other melatonin brands I've tried do not!"*
—Richard L. from Munroe Falls, OH
It is now part of our getting ready for bed routine.
"Slow-release DreamWell ULTRA formula helps my husband and I stay asleep all night, and wake up feeling rested. Some products only last half the night, or leave you feeling groggy in the morning. Not this one. It's now our nightly routine."*
—Nancy P. from Beckley, WV
I sleep well and wake up with no grogginess.
"I have been using DreamWell ULTRA for over 6 months now and I sleep really well and wake up with no grogginess."*
—Claudia D. from Munster, IN
I get a straight eight hours sleep!
"I've been using DreamWell ULTRA for about a month now and it works really well. I get a straight seven to eight hours sleep and wake up refreshed and ready to go."*
—Anthony M. from New York, NY
I wish my doctor had suggested this for me.
"I suffer from health issues which affect my sleep so I gave your slow release melatonin a try. Much to my surprise DreamWell ULTRA worked wonderfully! I wish my doctor had suggested this for me."*
—Mike M. from Carlsbad, CA
DreamWell ULTRA Begins Working Quickly—
Often the Very First Night You Take It
With many types of supplements, it can take weeks, or even months, before they build up in your system and become fully effective.

But with DreamWell ULTRA, you should start reaping the benefits of restful sleep very quickly. Many of my readers tell me that it worked for them the VERY FIRST NIGHT they tried it.

And there's no mistaking the results you'll experience:
You'll ease into sleep faster without the tossing and turning.[23,24] You'll gently relax and sleep, each and every night.
Your mind will stop racing when you call it a night.[15,17] The day's stresses will melt away thanks to its fast-calming effects.
You'll sleep more soundly all night[25,26]—and you'll get back to sleep quickly after bathroom trips—thanks to the extended-released melatonin.
You'll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated[25,26]—because this formula supports your natural sleep processes. It doesn't drug you to sleep.
You won't worry about taking it[25,26]—because both ingredients are non-habit-forming and have no unwanted side effects. DreamWell ULTRA is specifically formulated to be safe and effective for nightly use.
You'll support your overall health.[27,28,29] Better sleep helps everyone at every age—and you'll quickly discover all the rejuvenating benefits.
What's more, every purchase of DreamWell ULTRA comes with our 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied with your results, I'll gladly send you a full refund—up to one year after purchase.
Get DreamWell ULTRA For As Low As $14.95
Per Bottle, Plus Free Shipping. Order Today!
Scientific References
  2. Bringmann H. Sleep-Active Neurons: Conserved Motors of Sleep. Genetics. 2018 Apr; 208(4): 1279-1289.
  5. Winer JR, Mander BA. Waking Up to the Importance of Sleep in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. JAMA Neurol. 2018;75(6):654-656. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.0005
  6. D. Carvalho et al. Association of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness with Longitudinal Β-Amyloid Accumulation in Elderly Persons Without Dementia JAMA Neurology. Vol. 75, June 2018. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.0049.
  7. Sprecher KE et al. Poor sleep is associated with CSF biomarkers of amyloid pathology in cognitively normal adults. Neurology. 2017 Aug 1; 89(5): 445-453.
  8. Shokri-Kojori E et al. Β-Amyloid accumulation in the human brain after one night of sleep deprivation. PNAS April 24, 2018. 115 (17) 4483-4488;
  9. Sprecher KE et al. Amyloid Burden is Associated with Self-Reported Sleep in Non-Demented Late Middle-Aged Adults. Neurobiol Aging. 2015 Sep; 36(9): 2568-2576
  10. Xie L et al. Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance From the Adult Brain. Science. 18 Oct 2013: Vol. 342, Issue 6156, pp 373-377
  12. Oz M and Roizen M. What happens to our melatonin levels as we age? You: Staying Young: The Owner's Manual for Extending Your Warranty. 2007. Scribner.
  13. Murphy PG et al. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs alter body temperature and suppress melatonin in humans. Physiol Behav. 1996 Jan;59(1):133-9.
  14. Wurtman RJ. Age-Related Decreases in Melatonin Secretion-Clinical Consequences. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 85, Issue 6, 1 June 2000, Pages 2135-2136
  15. Auld F et al. Evidence for the efficacy of melatonin in the treatment of primary adult sleep disorders. Sleep Med Rev 2017;34:10-22.
  16. Lemoine P et al. Prolonged-release melatonin improves sleep quality and morning alertness in insomnia patients aged 55 years and older and has no withdrawal effects. J Sleep Res 2007;16:372-80.
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  19. Alghamdi BS. The neuroprotective role of melatonin in neurological disorders. Neurosci Res. 2018 Jul; 96(7): 1136-1149.
  20. Favero G et al. Melatonin as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent Modulating Inflammasome Activation. Int J Endocrinol. 2017; 2017: 1835195.
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  22. Kent JM et al. Molecular targets in the treatment of anxiety. Biol Psychiatry. 2002 Nov 15;52(10):1008-30.
  23. Goddard AW et al. Impaired GABA neuronal response to acute benzodiazepine administration in panic disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2004 Dec;161(12):2186-93.
  24. Hu Z et al. Sleep Aids Derived from Natural Products. Biomol Ther. 2018 Jul; 26(4): 343-349.
  26. Yamatsu A et al. Effect of oral gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) administration on sleep and its absorption in humans. Food Sci Biotechnol 2016;25(2):547-51.
  27. Horie N et al. Beneficial action of PharmaGaba on sleep disorder and frequent nighttime urination in the elderly.
  28. Yoto A et al. Oral intake of gamma-aminobutyric acid affects mood and activities of central nervous system during stressed condition induced by mental tasks. Amino Acids 2012;43(3):1331-7

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