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Filmmaker Who Never Went to Movies Makes Powerful "End of the Spear" After a "Journey" of Fasting and Praying

Mark Ellis/Teresa Neumann Reporting : Dec 9, 2005  Agape Press

"We have the best stories. They just haven't been told very well. I get excited about the power of the media and the power of God's Word."

End of the Spear movie End of the Spear, a new $20 million film to be released on January 20 about five missionaries slain in Ecuador in the 50s after daring to make contact with one of the most violent tribes ever documented, was made by Mart Green, a man who never set foot in a movie theater until a few years ago. The film demonstrates the remarkable way God "altered the tribes brutal behavior." Trailers of the movie, available on the internet, give a glimpse of the powerful spiritual message exuding from the screen's incredible photography and gripping dialogue.

"I was raised not to go to movies," says Green, founder of Every Tribe Entertainment, and son of the man who founded the chain store Hobby Lobby. His parents and grandparents never set foot in a movie theater either, and he maintained that standard with his own children.

Having himself launched a chain of Christian bookstores, Green recalls going on a trip to Guatemala where he watched a man receive a Bible for the first time from Wycliffe Bible Translators. "This guy waited 40 years to get his Bible and he wept and wept," Green recalls. Green woke up that night about 2:00 a.m. with a sense of conviction, says reporter Mark Ellis. "I wasn't reading God's Word on a consistent basis," he admits. "I made a vow to read God's Word consistently for the rest of my life."

It was shortly after that, a friend invited Green to get involved in a marketing effort for the Bible patterned after the "Got milk" campaign. As he sought the Lord about it, Green says he pulled out a tape he had lying on a shelf. It was about the five missionaries to the Waodani tribe of Ecuador who were killed in 1956: Jim Eliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint and Roger Youderian. In the tape, Mincaye, one of the tribesmen who took part in the killings, says: "We acted badly-badly until they brought us God's carvings. Now we walk his trail."

"I started weeping in the middle of a Wal-Mart parking lot," Green recalls. He suddenly phoned his friends and said: "I'm working on this 30-second commercial, but someday there's going to be a movie to help our cause!"

Seven months later Green's friend called and urged him to make a film about the missionaries. "I said, 'Whoa, I do Christian bookstores -- I can't really do two jobs.'" He said he thought of every excuse he could muster to dissuade his friend, even telling his friend: "I've never even been in a movie theater. How in the world would I get the rights to do a film when I've never even been in a theater?"

But just as God led Peter to overcome his revulsion toward Gentile foods, says Ellis, God slowly overcame Green's resistance to movies. He says his first foray into the "forbidden realm" was a Jim Carrey film. "I appreciate my upbringing," he says. "But we should have said there are a lot of movies you shouldn't go to. Because we took a hands-off approach, the world embraced movies. Instead of saying 'don't go,' we should have said 'let's create.'" (More...)

"We've got to be in the game," he adds. "We've got to stop complaining and start creating." Now Green believes the most influential mission field is in Hollywood. "When you touch Hollywood you touch the world," he notes.

Immediately Green began to fast and pray. "Every year the Lord takes me on a fasting journey," he says. He prayed simple prayers -- mainly that God would assemble the right team of people. "I had to believe God called me to do this in that Wal-Mart parking lot."

Soon answers to his prayers came. One was in the name of a gifted producer, Bill Ewing, who left Sony Pictures after making Spiderman and Men in Black II and quickly embraced the vision for the project. Reportedly, securing cooperation from the Waodani tribe was a bit of a hurdle. From the outset, says Ellis, Green wanted to tell the story about what happened to the six tribesman who killed the missionaries. "Where are the six guys who killed the five today?" he asked. "That's the story I want to tell."

Green and a small team including Steve Saint -- the surviving son of Nate Saint -- flew to Ecuador in October 1999. After, according to the Agape report, "they arrived they rode a bus eight hours from the airport, flew another hour into the heart of the jungle in a small plane, and then journeyed six hours by dugout canoe to meet with the elders of the Waodani church. They lived with the tribesmen four days and tried to establish a bond. But the leaders initially rebuffed their overtures." They said, "We've had a lot of people coming down here to take our pictures who try to take advantage of us.'"

The tribesmen were incredulous when Steve Saint told the Waodani church leaders about the Columbine tragedy in the United States, which had just recently occurred. "Do you mean kids went in and shot others down for no reason?" they asked. "Oh ... hating and killing? That's the way we used to live. If our story can help others in North America then we want you to tell our story."

There were times when Green almost gave up. "It's been miracle after miracle that's happened," he says. "I pray that people who come to the theaters will be impacted." As for future projects, Green gushes, "We have the best stories. They just haven't been told very well. I get excited about the power of the media and the power of God's Word."

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