Breaking Christian News

Watch: Patricia Heaton Rips 'Fear-Mongering' Media Election Coverage, Offers Prayer for Traumatized Head-Shaving Women

Paul Bois : Nov 12, 2024
Breitbart News

[] Actress Patricia Heaton hit at the "fear-mongering" media for traumatizing people after President-elect Donald Trump defeated Kamala Harris last week... "To all these extremists that are allowed television time, who told women that this is what is going to happen to them, shame on you! Shame on you!" she said. "Apparently, there are some really vulnerable people here who you targeted, and you fear-mongered to and you need to go back on the air and tell them things are going to be okay, tell them that they're fine ... We need to pray for them, and I just want to say to all you folks who feel that way, don't make politics or identity groups your religion! Only Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Put your faith in Him, not in men, not in man's institutions, not in human institutions," she added... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to read. (Screengrab image: via X)