Dutch Sheets - Give Him 15: Election Day Prayer Strategy
Dutch Sheets : Nov 5, 2024
Give Him 15
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." Pray, according to this passage, that the power of lies and dishonest information sown into them would be "destroyed" And yes, ask Him to expose and enable righteous people to stop corruption in the election process.
[GiveHim15.com] Since I've been an eligible voter, I've lived through this day—Election Day for US presidents—13 times in my life. The first two times, I was a very uninformed voter, basing my vote on what friends were doing and on the personalities of those running. I'm embarrassed to say I voted for Jimmy Carter, primarily because he had a great smile and was a Sunday School teacher. With qualifications like those, what could go wrong? The lines at gas stations, a wrecked economy, emboldened dictators throughout the world, and a man named Ronald Reagan awakened me. Dare I say I became "woke"? No, let's not go there. (Screengrab image: via Give Him 15)
Like many Americans, I'll be somewhat "on edge" today, waiting for the election results and wondering: Have enough Americans been awakened to the evils taking place in our nation? Will enough of them vote for Godly values, life, truth, and common sense policies? Have enough Christians balanced their "sovereignty" theology with "man's free will" theology, motivating them to vote? I believe the answer to all of these questions is "Yes." And we will know soon. I've seen several promising predictions, like the following:
"Former Bill Clinton campaign adviser Dick Morris predicted that Donald Trump will secure an 'electoral landslide' in the upcoming presidential election... during a Thursday interview on 'The Jeff Katz Show.'
"Morris told Katz, 'I think Trump is going to win, and I don't think it's going to be that close. I think he'll win the popular vote narrowly, but that will translate into an electoral landslide.'
"'I think Trump is going to carry all of the swing states, with the possible exception of Wisconsin.'
"Morris predicted the Republican presidential nominee would win Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. 'Trump will [also] pick up a few surprises, like maybe Virginia and maybe Minnesota,' Morris told Katz."(1)
Encouraging. But we should still pray throughout the day, not just for the presidential election, but others, as well. When we pray for elections, we are asking for God's influence, not His control. He doesn't control us; He has given us the freedom of choice. So, during the campaign, we ask that He provide the best candidates with the wisdom to make good decisions. We request that wise counsel be given to them. We ask God to orchestrate events that would reveal truth and righteousness, as well as expose dishonesty and deceit. We ask Him to influence voters' thinking, and remove all deception from them, to impact their hearts and minds, removing passivity and complacency.
Many will make their final decision TODAY. Pray that God speaks to them as they process; pray that someone says the right thing to sway them, or they remember something they've seen or heard in the past that pushes them toward righteousness. Bind demonic influence from them, whether in their thoughts or words spoken by another person.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 tells us, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." Pray, according to this passage, that the power of lies and dishonest information sown into them would be "destroyed" And yes, ask Him to expose and enable righteous people to stop corruption in the election process.
I'll be praying throughout the day and evening. I typically choose to pray rather than watch the results come in. Since people on the West Coast are still voting throughout the evening, those of us on the East Coast can still be praying for them. I'll be praying for all of the above.
I conclude with a story from the life of Louis Pasteur:
"Louis Pasteur was famous for many medical inventions, including pasteurization. One medical invention in particular meant the most to him. Rabies was a serious threat in his nation, and Pasteur was working on a vaccine. Many had given up hope for a cure, but Pasteur continued experimenting. Just when he was going to try it on himself, a 9-year-old boy, Joseph Meister, was brought to him with the dreaded disease.
"Pasteur gave the vaccine to the young boy, and amazingly, it worked. The lad was cured and lived. Pasteur went on to accomplish many other medical discoveries and patents before he died September 28, 1895. Of all the major accomplishments Pasteur could have placed on his tombstone when he died, he only wanted these three words: 'Joseph Meister Lived.'"(2)
May it be said of us that, when all looked hopeless, a remnant never gave up on our nation, and may the epitaph for our generation read: America was saved!
Pray with me:
Father, we ask that You and Your angels work to give us a fair election. Expose and uncover ALL deceit and corruption. We are grateful for those working to ensure we have a righteous election; protect and empower them as they do so.
Hover over individuals and voting places today, releasing the power of Holy Spirit to influence voters' thinking. Nudge them in the right direction, not just for the presidential election, but regarding all elections. Break the power of lies and deception. And with the authority You have given us, "we bind and tear down the strongholds of deceit over people's minds."
We thank You for Your love and mercy, which motivates You to answer these prayers, aiding us in this election. We know You are turning our nation around, helping us reverse the evils that have gained a hold over us. We declare Your promise that America shall be saved and our destiny restored. Please wield Your power to make today a part of this process. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Our decree:
"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)
We decree that mercy will triumph over judgment. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here
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