Breaking Christian News

An APP to Help Guard the Integrity of America's Elections

True the Vote, Aimee Herd : Nov 1, 2024
True The Vote

True the Vote offers an app, downloadable to your cellphone, through which you can report any problems or anomalies at the polls, or with ballots.

True the Vote has developed VoteAlert, an app that you can download and use to easily report any kind of election fraud that you might witness. (Screengrab image: via VoteAlert website)

What constitutes election fraud you may ask?

If you log onto a large number of examples are given under the FAQ heading: "Identifying Election Fraud." Here are a few of them:

Ballot Harvesting: Gathering or casting ballots other than your own. Note, ballot harvesting is legal in some states.

Ballot trafficking: Accepting payment or other type of remuneration in exchange for your ballot.

Ballot stuffing: Casting more than one ballot in a single election.

Deceased voters: When the name of a deceased person remains on a state's official list of registered voters and a living person fraudulently casts a ballot in their name.

Electioneering: Any visible or audible activity inside of a polling place or the polling place perimeter that advocates for or against any candidate or measure on the ballot. This includes signage, clothing, buttons, or materials like pens and brochures that carry messages about items on the ballot. Most states have laws that ban electioneering within a certain number of feet from a polling station.

Electronic vote fraud: Tampering with the hardware or software of a voting machine.

True the Vote's VoteAlert site gives the following information about the app:

What does this app do?

True the Vote's VoteAlert app documents election irregularities by allowing users to share content easily to the app and through several social media platforms, including X and Truth Social. VoteAlert equips everyday citizens to become Election Integrity Activists who ensure that election laws, regulations, and rules are followed and that no eligible voter is disenfranchised.

‍What is an Election Integrity Activist?

As an Election Integrity Activist you can help ensure that every eligible vote counts by downloading VoteAlert and using it to quickly report problems at the polls.

‍Why do we need VoteAlert?

Election workers, poll watchers, and voters are the eyes and ears that safeguard our nation's fair elections. With VoteAlert, you can use your cell phone to document and report instances of suspected election fraud.

‍Does my party affiliation matter to use VoteAlert?

Not at all. In fact, we need election workers from every party to ensure our elections and processes are safe, secure, fair, and honest. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

For more information, log onto

Click Here to download the VoteAlert app.