Breaking Christian News

New Shroud of Turin Blood Study Shows Link to Jesus: 'Its Authenticity Can No Longer Be Disputed'

Charlie McCarthy : Sep 6, 2024

"...It is no longer possible to say that it is a medieval cloth, nor that it could probably be the Jesus' Shroud. No, its authenticity can no longer be disputed." -Jean-Christian Petitfils, who has studied the Shroud of Turin for more than 40 years

[] ...Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical and thermal measurements at the University of Padua, says a macroscopic and microscopic analysis of the blood stains on the Shroud accurately reflects "the physical conditions relating to Jesus Christ." (Image: iStock-Marc Dufresne)


The new study released in July, "New Insights on Blood Evidence from the Turin Shroud Consistent with Jesus Christ's Tortures," [states]: "...Bloodstained marks all over the body image which are consistent with pre-crucifixion flagellation, bloodstained marks on the head that are consistent with a 'crown' of thorns, blood marks on the hand and feet that are consistent with crucifixion and the bloodstain on the chest that evidences a post-mortem wound that corresponds with the post-mortem spear wound that Christ received as is described in the Bible."... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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