Breaking Christian News

Biden Administration Is Now Trying to Trump-Proof the Federal Government

Haisten Willis : Aug 8, 2024
Washington Examiner

[] Having withdrawn from his reelection bid and acknowledged the possibility that former President Donald Trump may succeed him, ...Joe Biden has worked with Democrats and his federal agencies to lock in a legacy that won't be easy for Trump to erase. From pumping out regulations to insulating government scientists to enshrining foreign policy commitments, the Biden administration is leaving behind policies that will be procedurally difficult or politically costly to abandon. In this series, the Washington Examiner will take a look at how Biden is Trump-proofing parts of the government. Part two will look at his regulatory push. Biden will be leaving office in January after bowing out of his reelection bid, but even if his party loses control of the White House, he's working to cement a legacy that Trump can't easily undo... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to read. (Screengrab image: via 11 Alive)