Dwight Eisenhower Never Forgot the Normandy Miracle: Letter
Paul Bedard : Jun 6, 2024
Washington Examiner
[WashingtonExaminer.com] Years after his presidency and his most important role of leading Operation Overlord on D-Day in 1944, Dwight Eisenhower was still in awe of the effect the Normandy landing had on shortening World War II. In a remarkable letter typed 20 years after the invasion of Nazi-controlled France, the former five-star Army general and president revealed the "gnawing anxieties" he felt 80 years ago today as allied troops began the impactful battle of the war in Europe. "On this sixth of June I suspect that your memory goes back, as mine does, to live over again the gnawing anxieties, the realization of unavoidable sacrifices, and the bright hopes that filled us on D-Day, 1944. Never, during the two decades that have since passed, have I ceased to render daily and devout thanks to a kindly Providence for permitting us to achieve in eleven months the complete victory that so many believed would require years..." Dwight D. Eisenhower... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to read. (Image: Public Domain via: Wikipedia)