Teacher Wins $360,000 Settlement after Being Fired for Refusing to Use Preferred Pronouns Because of Her Faith: 'Justice Is Served'
Jason Walsh : May 17, 2024
Daily Fetched
[DailyFetched.com] A former high school teacher who was terminated for refusing to use students' preferred pronouns has received a $360,000 settlement from the Jurupa Unified School District of California ... Julianne Fleischer, the legal counsel for Advocates for Faith and Freedom, emphasized the significance of the settlement in a statement. "Today's settlement serves as a reminder that religious freedom is protected, no matter your career," she stated. "Jessica's story is one of faithful courage. She fought back to ensure her school district was held accountable and that no other teacher has to succumb to this type of discrimination"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to read. (Screengrab image: via X)