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Transgender Movement Is Losing Its Influence on Social Media to Shut Down Debate

Jonathon Van Maren-Blog : Apr 24, 2024

Trying to attack Elon Musk and discredit conservatives through LGBT-friendly media outlets is no longer working.

[] The transgender movement still has not recovered from Elon Musk's purchase of X (formerly Twitter). While the platform still has obvious flaws—from Musk's difficulty in policing the posting of pornography to the clearly prevalent practice of shadow-banning primarily conservative-leaning figures—it is possible to tell the truth about gender ideology on one of the world's largest social media platforms. In a world where the public square has become (unfortunately, in my view) digital, that matters. (Image: Unsplash-edited)

It is also significant that the transgender movement's attacks on Elon Musk—like their targeting of J.K. Rowling—appear to have backfired completely. Previously, the bullying of corporate leaders generally elicited a climbdown in short order, especially when combined with potent accusations of "threatening the existence of trans people" or claims that free speech on the issue caused suicidal ideation in young people. But Musk, if he ever cared, now appears to view the transgender movement with the same hostility they view him.

But with the loss of X, LGBT activists are ramping up their efforts to retain their grip on other platforms, notably YouTube. Last month, Media Matters—a "watchdog" group that works with LGBT organizations such as GLAAD—released a report titled "YouTube and right-wing creators are profiting from anti-trans vitriol." The strategy works like this:

  1. Media Matters, cosplaying as a neutral watchdog, releases "evidence" of hate speech as defined by the LGBT movement.
  2. This report is fired off as a press release to mainstream media outlets, many of which reliably run stories on "surges" of "anti-LGBT hate speech" on their platforms.
  3. Media Matters and LGBT groups now point to these stories as evidence of their initial claims, and use them to pressure the social media giants—in this case, YouTube—to take action.
  4. Any response—or lack thereo—from the social media platform is also viewed as a story. No response is presented as an indication that the executives in charge do not care about the safety of LGBT people; any promise to take action is stingily praised as "a step in the right direction" along with quotes urging them to go further.
  5. If executives do promise to move "in the right direction," they have encouraged the bullying, and the strategy is repeated in an infinite loop... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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