Breaking Christian News

October 7 Massacre: Six Months Later

Catherine Salgado-Opinion : Apr 8, 2024
PJ Media

It used to be that the slogan recited about the Holocaust was "Never Again," but Never Again is now. It is happening in front of our eyes ... Are we as blinded as the German people under Nazi rule were?

[] Six months ago [Sunday], on October 7, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel to inflict horrific atrocities on civilians of all ages, committing the worst single day of massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Yet six months later, much of the world is sympathizing with the guilty and attacking the victims in the Hamas-Israel conflict! (Screengrab image: via X)

Six months ago, babies were burned alive and/or beheaded, whole families were gunned down, women were raped to death, and civilians of all ages were kidnapped. Gazans celebrated the mass murder, and the Palestinian Authority rewardedthe jihadis with cash. How much clearer does it need to be? Yet leftists have gone wild with anti-Semitic hatred and jihad-empathizing vitriol. Even a disturbing number of conservatives are repeating Hamas propaganda and falsely accusing Israel. It is a sad reflection on how divorced many Westerners, including Americans, are from reality—and how perilously close we are to another Holocaust.

Growing up, we all talked about the Nazis as if it were inconceivable that anyone could ever have condoned or ignored the Holocaust. Yet Westerners are doing just that now—ignoring the very real attempted genocide against Israelis while preposterously accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, based on Hamas talking points and Hamas-issued casualty numbers. The Arabs now calling themselves Palestinians have never had a right to Israeli land, and they have spent decades rejecting offers of land concessions and their own nation from Israel. Even now, the majority of Palestinians still support terrorist Hamas and its horrific attacks on Israel on Oct. 7. Yet both Muslims and non-Muslims around the world refuse to admit the reality of the situation... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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