Breaking Christian News

How Oklahoma Is Fighting Teachers Unions and 'Wokeism' in Its Schools

Noah Slayter : Apr 8, 2024
The Daily Signal

"...We [the Department of Education] don't want the teachers unions in our schools. We want the power to be shifted back to the parents." -Ryan Walters, Oklahoma state superintendent for public schools

[] "Listen, we're going to have school choice. We're going to bring back parents' rights. We're going to focus on the basics," said the state superintendent for Oklahoma's public schools. (Image: Pexels)

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts interviewed Ryan Walters on "The Kevin Roberts Show" podcast. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.) The two discussed how Walters has taken on the teachers unions in the schools, fought against woke curricula, and brought parents back into the classroom.

The superintendent said he focused his campaign on fighting for "the will of parents" and focusing on student excellence through school choice and returning to the use of test scores in schools.

Walters stated that his department's focus is not allowing "wokeism to dominate another day." He said, "We [the Department of Education] don't want the teachers unions in our schools. We want the power to be shifted back to the parents."  Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Click Here and Scroll Down to Watch the full interview and learn how Oklahoma is fighting to take education back from the Left.