City Backs Down after FDNY Firefighters Told to Remove Red-Line Flag Honoring Brothers Lost on 9/11
Margaret Flavin : Apr 1, 2024
The Gateway Pundit
"...I repeat: NY firefighters were forced to take down a memorial for those that died on 9/11. What's happened to NYC?!" -@DC Draino via X
[] Ladder Co. 11 in the East Village was told to remove its "red line" American flag after a neighborhood resident complained it was "fascist" and a local politician questioned whether it was a "politically charged symbol." (Screengrab image: via X)
Ladder Co. 11 lost six brothers killed on 9/11 and the flag is to remember and honor the fallen.
According to The New York Post, a man claiming to be from Democratic Manhattan Councilwoman Carlina Rivera's office, approached the firehouse and said councilwoman's office "complained" to the FDNY three days earlier about the flag.
He then called it a "fascist symbol" and demanded to know why it had not been removed ...
... After intense public backlash, Laura Commissioner Kavanagh and Chief of Department John Hodgens reversed the decision. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here
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