Breaking Christian News

The World Is Facing a Major Population Crisis by 2075 If Birth Rates Keep Falling

Frank Wright : Mar 26, 2024

Contraception, abortion, sterile sexual identities, anti-natalist propaganda, and now killer and sterilizing injections, have been mobilized to defuse a population bomb which never went off, and are now exhorted as virtues in the service of "saving the planet—from the blight of human life."

[] A new study has documented the rapidly declining global birth rate, with depopulation accelerating in every nation in the world. (Screengrab image: via LifeSiteNews)

The report, published on March 20 by The Lancet, says that by 2040 every region outside Africa will fall below the replacement birth rate.

Known as the "TFR"—or "Total Fertility Rate," a score of 2.1 is the baseline accepted by the United Nations Population Division for maintaining population levels. As the graph below shows, by the end of the century humanity will be dying out.

Readers will be rightfully suspicious of scientific modeling following that which accompanied the COVID regime, yet these figures relate not only to projections, but illustrate a well-established fall in live births worldwide.

The data shown above excludes both the United States and Europe, whose birth rates have halved since 1980... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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