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France's Senate Vote to Enshrine the Right to Kill in their Constitution is Tyranny in the Worst Form

News Staff : Feb 29, 2024
ProLife Global

"May France never forget her passion for true liberty and resist the tyranny of killing the most defenseless." -Bethany Janzen, Co-Founder and President of Pro-Life Global.

(Washington, DC) — [] Yesterday the French Senate voted overwhelmingly to put the "guaranteed liberty" to abortion into the French Constitution. The French President has called for a gathering of both chambers to meet on March 4th to make the final vote needed to nail the coffin on the country's right to kill. (Image: Pixabay)

"In France it is already illegal to try to help a woman to choose life for her preborn child. If this amendment is made to the French Constitution, it could lead to the legalization of abortion up to birth and end medical professional's freedom of conscience. What else will happen? Will the freedom of speech to share a contrary opinion even be allowed? French pro-life spokespeople already face university denials because of their pro-life work. Will they now face jail?

"A constitution is to guarantee liberty—the most fundamental of which is life. Without life, no other liberty is possible." Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here