Breaking Christian News

Sudanese Christian Slaves Saved in Modern-Day Underground Railroad: 'It's Extremely Dangerous Work'

Billy Hallowell : Feb 19, 2024

"We give them what we call a survival kit that has farming tools, and a tarp, and other essentials inside. And we give every person who comes out a female goat, so that they can have some food or maybe make some milk." -Joel Veldkamp, Christian Solidarity International (CSI)

[] An organization combatting Christian persecution across the globe recently announced it helped free 1,500 Sudanese slaves last year, bringing the total liberated over the past three decades to over 100,000. (Image: Pixabay)

Joel Veldkamp, head of international communications at Christian Solidarity International (CSI), told CBN News Christians and followers of indigenous religions in South Sudan have been the hardest hit over the past few decades by dangerous slave raids.

And, as he shared, the history behind the matter is quite complex.

"Today, we have two countries — Sudan and South Sudan," Veldkamp said. "But in the 1980s and 1990s, it was all just one country called Sudan, and that country was split by a civil war between the north, which is mostly Muslim and dominated by Arabs, and the south, which is mostly Christian and black African"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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