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Tucker Carlson, Michael Shellenberger blast John Kerry's 'Anti-human' COP28 speech

LSN News Staff : Dec 6, 2023

“I think that what's so different now is that the elites are just openly and blatantly expressing their hatred of humankind, particularly the hatred of working people, of poor people; the obvious alternative to coal is natural gas ... if this was actually about 'climate change' you would just produce more natural gas because it produces half the carbon emissions of coal ... But John Kerry and other climate activists are against natural gas ... it really is about being against humankind..." -Michael Shellenberger

[] American conservative firebrand Tucker Carlson and journalist Michael Shellenberger recently blasted Democratic climate czar John Kerry for giving an "anti-human" speech at this year's United Nations COP28 "climate change" conference. (Image: via LifeSiteNews-screengrab)

Making the strong statements during the Monday edition of his X (formerly Twitter) show, Carlson played a clip of Kerry, who serves as US special presidential envoy for climate, explaining at the COP28 conference in Expo City, Dubai on Sunday that he sees the global elimination of coal-fired power plants as an essential measure in tackling so-called "climate change."

Calling Kerry and many in ...Joe Biden's administration "half-demented 80-year-olds," Carlson pointed out that despite the pleas of Kerry and others like him, other nations are moving full-stream ahead with the burning of coal as a means of powering their countries, and thereby sustaining their populations and economies.

"China, for example, burns more coal each year than the rest of the world combined... this year, the Chinese have generated 14 percent more electricity from coal than they did last year; same thing in India," Carlson said, adding that other large nations such as Indonesia have also ramped up their use of coal.

Carlson argued that this presents a hypocrisy among the Biden administration, which often talks about "climate change" and the purported role of the West in the creation of the so-called crisis while ignoring the behavior of China, India and other nations.

Continuing his show, Carlson interviewed journalist Michael Shellenberger about the behavior of Kerry and other members of the political establishment, inquiring what he sees as the true motivation behind the climate "religion."

Shellenberger replied by accusing the global "elite" of having an outright hatred for humanity, pointing to the fact that politicians, including the British prime minister, took private jets to the recent UN conference in Dubai, all the while increasing energy costs for ordinary citizens and harping on the need for their citizens to reduce energy consumption.

"I think that what's so different now is that the elites are just openly and blatantly expressing their hatred of humankind, particularly the hatred of working people, of poor people," Shellenberger told Carlson "the obvious alternative to coal is natural gas... if this was actually about 'climate change' you would just produce more natural gas because it produces half the carbon emissions of coal."

"But John Kerry and other climate activists are against natural gas," Shellenberger continued. "And they have been stifling the production of natural gas... it's so obviously hypocritical but even worse than that I think it's really anti-human... it really is about being against humankind, about being against humanity"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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