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Christian Trucking Company Fined $700K by Biden's 'Justice' Department, Wait Till You Read Why...

Todd Starnes : Dec 4, 2023

Covenant Transport was punished for literally making sure their workers were in compliance with the law.

[] Here's a story that will put a burr in your saddle. (Screengrab Image via Covenant Transport)

The Biden Justice Department has fined a Chattanooga, Tennessee trucking company $700,000.

It's an outrageous fine.

Covenant Transport is owned by Christians. They are well-respected in the trucking industry.

They were hit with the fine because they were found to have discriminated against non-US citizen workers.

Covenant made all non-US citizen workers provide specific documentation showing they were legally allowed to work in the United States.

According to the Justice Department – employers cannot demand specific documents proving the non-citizens have a right to work in our country.

"Employers cannot discriminate against non-US citizens by demanding specific or unnecessary documents from them to prove their permission to work," said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke. "The Justice Department is committed to ensuring compliance with our federal civil rights laws so that non-US citizens with permission to work can contribute their talents to our workforce."

But there's also a rule on the books that makes it a crime for companies to hire undocumented workers. So, what were they supposed to do? It's a lose-lose situation. Covenant Transport was punished for literally making sure their workers were in compliance with the law.

Under the terms of the agreement, Covenant and Transport will pay $700,000 in civil penalties to the United States, train their employees on the INA's anti-discrimination requirements, revise their employment policies and be subject to monitoring by the department, the Justice Dept. said.

Yet another example of how there's one set of rules for Americans and another for the illegal aliens who've breached our borders. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here