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GOP Debate Report: Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway?

Paula Bolyard-Opinion : Sep 28, 2023
PJ Media

You know what didn't get asked in the debate? Anything about Covid—arguably the most critical issue of the last four years. No one was asked whether they want masking to return or support school closures and mandatory vaccines now that the virus is ramping up again. Wouldn't you have liked to hear those answers and compare them with the candidates' past positions and statements?...

[] The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck—and that's putting it mildly. (Screengrab image)

If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the moderators, who not only had no control of the debate but ignored their own rules and allowed candidates to attack one another without the opportunity for rebuttal.

The leftist Univision moderator—Emmy award winner!!! Ilia Calderón—who had trouble speaking English clearly, kept asking questions about Dreamers and DACA, turning the questions into speeches to condemn GOP policies on immigration.

She also went after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, repeating a hoax perpetrated by Kamala Harris claiming that Florida's education standards are racist.

Another moderator asked DeSantis how on earthRepublicanscould possibly expect to win when they support limits on abortion. DeSantis slapped that down by noting that he, a strongly and vocally pro-life governor, won Florida in a landslide and turned his purple state solidly red—and even won a previous Democrat stronghold county.

Then there was Dana Perino's stupid question at the end asking the candidates who should be voted off the GOP "island" to clear the field. DeSantis spoke up and called her out for asking a question with no substance in what should've been a serious debate. The other candidates quickly united behind DeSantis, nodding their heads.

You know what didn't get asked in the debate? Anything about Covid—arguably the most critical issue of the last four years. No one was asked whether they want masking to return or support school closures and mandatory vaccines now that the virus is ramping up again. Wouldn't you have liked to hear those answers and compare them with the candidates' past positions and statements? Wouldn't it have been great to hear Mike Pence—who stood mutely by Anthony Fauci during his endless pandemic press conferences—debate DeSantis, who quickly opened his state, refused to mandate vaccines and masks, and sent kids back to school early on?

As far as the rules were concerned, it seemed there weren't any. Each candidate was... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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