Breaking Christian News

When You Have No Morals: Widespread Mass Looting Overnight in Philly [Watch]

Paula Bolyard : Sep 27, 2023
PJ Media

"They are put in a position where they feel like they need to shoplift some bread or go hungry that night." -AOC on why people loot (from 2020)

[] Mass looting [was] being reported all over Philadelphia [Tuesday night]. There are accounts of Center City stores being cleaned out by looters, including Lululemon, the Apple Store, a Foot Locker near the Liberty Bell, and many others: (Screengrab image)

Click Here to view social media videos of the looting.

"This happened 5 minutes from the Liberty Bell and right down the street from where the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia. This is what liberalism has done to our country." -comment by @Travis_in_Flint on X... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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