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'Wrong Side of History': Jordan Peterson Slams Trudeau for Condemning Canada's 1 Million March for Kids

Clare Marie Merkowsky : Sep 22, 2023

"...You are going to destroy this country you pathetic, narcissistic, compassion-mongering, lying actor." -Dr. Jordan Peterson

(Ottawa, Ontario) — [] Famed Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson has blasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for condemning parents who protested the LGBT indoctrination of children at the Million Person March this week. (Screengrab image)

On September 20, Canadian physiologist Jordan Peterson responded on X, formerly known as Twitter, to Trudeau’s condemnation of Canadians gathered Wednesday in cities across the country to tell school administrators and teachers to "leave our kids alone."

"Let me make one thing very clear," Trudeau had posted on X. "Transphobia, homophobia, and biphobia have no place in this country. We strongly condemn this hate and its manifestations, and we stand united in support of 2SLGBTQI+ Canadians across the country—you are valid and you are valued."

"Let me make one thing very clear," Peterson countered. "Once again [y]ou are on the wrong side of [h]istory. You are going to destroy this country, [y]ou pathetic narcissistic [c]ompassion-mongering lying [a]ctor."

Peterson was not the only Canadian to condemn Trudeau for his pro-LGBT, anti-family statements.

"Your framing of the intent of the March 4 Kids is baseless & reveals a gross manipulation of the narrative. This just further validates your divisive mantra & overt focus on a woke ideologue!" one wrote. "The March was about protecting children from a sexualized curriculum not about any societal demographic or identity issues!" (Screengrab image)

"Simply leave the kids alone," chimed in independent journalist Keenan Bexte.

Trudeau was not the only government actor to condemn parents concerned about their children. In fact, counter-protesters were expected at the events after leaked video footage of a Zoom call appeared online last week showing union leaders encouraging their members to oppose the pro-family efforts.

The Million Person March against LGBT indoctrination in schools gathered Canadians of all races and religions in cities across the country, with thousands gathering in downtown Ottawa outside Trudeau’s office... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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