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Beyond Creepy: Biden Administration Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex with Teens behind Parents' Backs

Ben Johnson-Commentary : May 30, 2023
The Washington Stand

"These guidelines encourage health care providers to keep the parents of teens in the dark about their potentially life-altering decisions surrounding sexual activity..." -Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the founder and president of the Ruth Institute and author of "The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and How the Church was Right All Along"

[] As part of its month-long focus on adolescent health, the Biden administration is promoting a document that tells Planned Parenthood and other taxpayer-funded family planning offices how to talk to minors about sex without their parents overhearing, and how to secretly deliver birth control to adolescents without parental knowledge or consent. (Image: Unsplash-Anthony Tran)

Federally-funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, "Are you alone in the room?" These instructions specify tactics to follow "if you're really having a hard time getting a parent" to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults' side of the conversation. And they encourage offices to have vans roam neighborhoods giving minors federally funded contraceptives; to mail birth control to adolescents in "plain, unmarked packaging;" and/or to have teenagers receive contraceptives at public meet-up places.

A federal grant recipient admitted the cloak-and-dagger sex discussion is necessary, because "parents might not agree with some of the things that we're talking about."

The emphasis on shutting out adults comes as the Biden administration and 24 states are fighting against a lawsuit to recognize parents' right to know if the government is enabling underage sexual activity by giving teens birth control.

Biden Admin: 'It Takes a Village' to Teach Teens about Sex

The Biden administration revealed that it aimed to "expand sexual and reproductive health information and services" for teens during National Adolescent Health Month (NAHM), which runs during the month of May. The announcement made it clear government-funded strangers would take a leading role in forming teens' views of sexuality.

"The adage 'It takes a village' has been proven time and again," said Jessica Marcella, deputy assistant secretary for Population Affairs and director of the Office of Adolescent Health in the official press release. "[T]his year," the Biden administration is "amplifying the important role of youth-serving professionals and other caring adults in their interactions with young people."

The Biden administration's official Resources for National Adolescent Health Month™ 2023 links to a document titled "Providing Family Planning Services to Adolescents During Uncertain Times," produced by the Reproductive Health National Training Center (RHNTC), a group that trains Title X providers at taxpayers' expense. Its instructions detail how Title X recipients, who distribute federally funded contraception to children in the name of "family planning," can and should bypass parents during sex-related telehealth meetings.

'Why Are You Talking to My Young Person in the Bathroom with the Door Locked?'

The plan to speak about sex one-on-one with impressionable youth begins during scheduling. "Confirm with youth clients that you have their phone number/contact information rather than their parents' contact information," the document tells federal grant recipients. "At the beginning of the visit, do a privacy screen. Ask 'Are you alone in the room?' or 'Can other people hear what you are saying?'"

The document links to a webinar which fleshes out these ideas in greater detail. A slide on "Ensuring Adolescent Privacy" tells Title X grantees to ask:

"1. Are they alone in the room? Always ask first! If a parent is present, ask to provide alone time during the appointment.

"2. Can people hear them outside the room? Can they relocate? Use headphones? Use yes/no questions or chat feature?" (Emphases in original.)

The written document tells teens who want to "protect their privacy" from their parents "during a virtual visit" to:

"[P]arents might not agree with some of the things that we're talking about and some of the services that our patients are looking for," Safiya Yearwood, a nurse at Baltimore's Star Track Clinic, told the webinar. Title X grantees must "mak[e] sure that patients are, number one, safe to even have these conversations, and determine[e] where they can do it."

The easiest method is to assure teens know how to call without their parent or guardian's input. "[A]re we letting all of our adolescent patients know what their protections are?" asked webinar host Kaleigh Cornelison, MSW, who was then lead program specialist at the University of Michigan's Adolescent Health Initiative, and who now works at ETR, which specialized in "health equity" advancement. "[A]re we informing everyone of what their rights are?"

"Are we ensuring that everyone knows what their rights are and what they have access to without a parent or caregiver's consent?"

If parents are present, Title X grantees should make every effort to get them to leave the room. "Standardize time alone for all adolescent clients with the provider," Cornelison instructed Title X offices. Have a "system in place so it's standard practice; it's not out of the ordinary. It comes to be expected every time."

"We had to create scripts" for telehealth visits, explained Chinwe Efuribe, MD, MPH, who founded the Centered Youth Clinic and Consulting clinic and medical director of Every Body Texas, on the webinar. Employees told parents their absence "is our practice" and, "we usually have one-on-one time with our young people, and we would like to continue that."

It is important to normalize the practice to evade parents' suspicion, she said. "If the parent was there in the visit, also let them know that this is something that we've always been doing that we want to continue doing, so they don't think that, you know, 'Why are you talking to my young person in the bathroom with the door locked?'" said Efuribe.

If parents refuse to leave, Cornelison told Title X recipient offices, they should tell teens they "can maybe get a little creative about moving rooms, putting on headphones, maybe some questions are asked in a chat instead of verbally just to sort of deal with that privacy issue if you're really having a hard time getting a parent or caregiver outside of the space."

To maintain silence after the visit, Cornelison told providers to assure all emails are sent to the teens' private email account, so no "parent is going to get a red flag."

Two sexually active minors testified the Biden administration-promoted guidelines helped them hide their sexual activity from others, including parents... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.