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Renowned Psychiatrist Debunks 'Deeply Flawed' Research Pushing Trans Surgeries, Chemicals on Children

Matt Lamb : Jan 18, 2023

Research used by the pro-transgender lobby is "methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings..."

[] A new academic study has been published which dismantles the basis for so-called "gender affirming healthcare," the premise of which falsely purports the idea that boys can become girls, and vice versa. (Image: Unsplash-Kyle)

While it is impossible for someone to change their gender, the paper criticizes medical arguments for the benefits of body-altering drugs and surgeries, such as puberty blockers and the removal of healthy organs, aimed at changing one's gender.

The new paper, published in the latest edition of Sex and Marital Therapy, concluded that the "Dutch protocol," which is behind the "gender-affirming" model of healthcare, is "methodologically flawed and should have never been used in medical settings as justification to scale this ‘innovative clinical practice.'"

Research contained in the Dutch studies is behind the World Professional Association for Transgender Health guidelines, which advocate for the chemical and genital mutilation of children, with minimal barriers.

Dr. Stephen Levine, a psychiatrist and professor at Case Western University, wrote the paper along with two other researchers. Levine oversaw gender identity issues for the American Psychiatric Association and has written over 100 papers on sexuality and gender, many of them focused on gender dysphoria.

The researchers behind the two studies that make up the Dutch protocol, and subsequent transgender health guidelines, have a "tendency to present weak or negative results as certain and positive," Levine's paper stated. These problems "continue to plague reports that originate from clinics that are actively administering hormonal and surgical interventions to youth."

"It is time for gender medicine to pay attention to the published objective systematic reviews and to the outcome uncertainties and definable potential harms to these vulnerable youth," the paper stated... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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