'Janes Revenge' Abortion Zealots Threaten to 'Shoot Up' Catholic Newman Center With 'New AR14 Rifles'
Lincoln Brown : Dec 6, 2022
PJ Media
"This morning in Nebraska, our team arrived for our @SFLAction Political Leadership Workshop ... When we arrived, a death threat via guns from Jane's Revenge was posted on the door. We've called the police and are scrambling to make it safe..." -Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life
[PJMedia.com] At many college campuses across the nation, you find, at least for the moment, Newman Centers. They essentially serve as outreach and support centers, and gathering places, and provide resources for students who are members of the Roman Catholic Church. There was one at my alma mater. This past Saturday, the Newman Center at the University of Nebraska-Omaha's Scott Campus was hosting a meeting for the pro-life activist group Students for Life. (Screengrab Image)
According to a story by KETV, when people arrived at the center, there was a note waiting for them. It read:
Dear Dan Andrews,
If our right to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempt to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed we will shoot up your Newman center with our new AR14 rifles. Sincerely, Jane's Revenge
The Dan Andrews to whom the letter was addressed is the Reverend Dan Andrews, who is the pastor of the center. Kristan Hawkins, who is the president of Students for Life, posted a photo of the note on social media. According to the National Catholic Register, she also tweeted the following:
BREAKING: Jane's Revenge threatens to shoot pro-lifers. This morning in Nebraska, our team arrived for our @SFLAction Political Leadership Workshop where we are gathering activists from across the state to strategize about how to use @studentsforlife's Campaign for Abortion Free Cities to shut down the late-term abortion facility in the state. When we arrived, a death threat via guns from Jane's Revenge was posted on the door. We've called the police and are scrambling to make it safe.
We are headed towards tragedy if [U.S. Attorney General] Merrick Garland continues to refuse to act to protect peaceful pro-lifers from pro-abortion terrorist groups. Sadly, the incendiary comments of leaders like Hillary Clinton yesterday comparing pro-lifers to the Taliban is case in point the poisoned political climate being deliberately fostered by corporate abortion and their allies. The Biden Administration is laying the groundwork for deadly violence against pro-lifers while they support violence against those in the womb. They must act...
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