Breaking Christian News

How the Game is Fixed (If It Was Sports, No One Would Bother Watching)

Jack Gleason-Opinion : Nov 18, 2022
American Thinker

...Will Americans accept questionable election results where vote counting is done behind closed doors and almost every close race where Republicans are ahead is halted and new ballots are "found" leading to a Democrat win?...

[] Imagine a Super Bowl where the Reds were ahead 27-25 with a minute to go. All of a sudden, the power went out in the entire stadium. When the lights came on after a couple minutes of chaos, fans noticed the scoreboard showed 27-29. (Image: Unsplash-Obi Pixel6)

Anyone witnessing such an event would be beyond outraged. Sports are supposed to be about "may the best team win," and referees and officials are supposed to be neutral. Videotape and remote judges are used to evaluate disputed plays.

If people felt the game was fixed, or that officials wouldn't even comment about suspicious activity, then no one would watch professional football again.

So why is it that multiple unusual occurrences in a nationwide election are ignored and voters are expected to just accept the results they are given?

In Dallas, Texas ... reports of hundreds of votes being added at poll closing time.

A Democrat in New Hampshire was awarded 1,106 votes in a town with about 700 people.

Why is Maricopa County, Arizona the only place in the country where there is no chain of custody for mail-in ballots? elections clerk claimed that uncounted "Slot 3" ballots were mixed in with already counted ballots... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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