Breaking Christian News

Breitbart Exclusive: Larry Elder: 'Uncle Tom II' Exposes How BLM Is 'Destroying What Made America Great and Using Blacks as a Means to Do So'

Robert Kraychik : Sep 23, 2022
Breitbart News

[] Elder said his latest film details the political weaponization of race-based grievance—including "white guilt"—as a tool to undermine America by advancing communist ideology. "The co-founders [of Black Lives Matter] are self-described 'trained Marxists' who do not believe in capitalism," Elder recalled. "They want to bring down the American system as we know it. They want to bring down capitalism. They want government ownership of property, even as they're out buying mansions with the money that Patrice Cullors described as 'white guilt money'"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click here to read. (Screengrab image: Click on image to watch the official trailer)