Breaking Christian News

Dangerous Truth: True the Vote Team Needs Your Prayer

IFA Staff : Aug 9, 2022
Intercessors For America

...They continue to soldier on for uncovering the truth, providing evidence of fraud, and pushing for election integrity and citizen action in elections... [and they need to be covered in prayer].

[] Father, we lift Catherine, Gregg and the team to You—protect them and sustain them. We call on Psalm 94—grant those who speak Your truth from days of trouble. (Screengrab image)

Telling the truth can be dangerous. Just ask Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips and the team at True the Vote. They have had regular physical threats since they began looking into the election drop box process, which started when reports poured into their voter fraud tip line for the 2000 elections. They started investigating and what they uncovered was an indisputable and alarming gravy train for fraudulent votes which was highlighted in the movie 2000 Mules.

Sharing this evidence, talking about the 2000 election, championing for election integrity hasn't earned them a government commendation (yet) for uncovering fraud. Instead it has brought on persecution from a myriad of sources–media, government officials, general public, social media and online platforms. They continue to soldier on for uncovering the truth, providing evidence of fraud, and pushing for election integrity and citizen action in elections.

The IFA community has come around Catherine and the team at critical times in their work, and now we are approaching another one. Coming up, a gathering dubbed "The Pit" will be convening with key people where Catherine, Gregg and the team will share what has been happening, what lies ahead, and what we can do to save our Republic. Your prayer for this event is critical.

The name "The Pit" comes from the passage in Psalm 94:12-15:

Blessed is the one You discipline, Lord,
the one You teach from Your law;
You grant them relief from days of trouble,
till a pit is dug for the wicked.
For the Lord will not reject His people;
He will never forsake His inheritance.
Judgment will again be founded on righteousness,
and all the upright in heart will follow it.

Pray for this gathering—for protection for all who will attend, for information to be shared clearly, and for plans that need to be made for future engagement. In addition to joining IFA to pray on Tuesday on Pray With Others Live, keep them sustained in prayer through the week and into the next week. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here