Breaking Christian News

Fairfax County School Board Votes to Make It a Potential Crime to Call a Boy a Boy

Auguste Meyrat-Opinion : Jun 21, 2022
The Federalist

[] ...The first problem is that the school board conflates the refusal to accommodate a transgender student with an expression of hate. However, the two things are completely different. In the case of accommodating transgender classmates, a student is refusing to betray his own senses and reason to conform to the classmate's fabricated reality; in the case of expressing hate, a student is actively seeking to harm and demean a classmate with hateful language ... On the contrary, it's the exact opposite. Forcing someone to abide by another person's arbitrary truth is "condescending and rude." Empowered by the school faculty, trans-identifying students in FCPS can force every other student to lie and go along with the delusion... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click here to read. (Image: Pixabay)