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Pro-Lifers Gather as Supreme Court is Set to Give Opinions Today and Wednesday: Future of Roe V. Wade Hangs in the Balance

Michael Haynes : Jun 13, 2022

"Pro-aborts have no momentum, no energy. This feels like a pathetic last gasp for Roe v Wade. The energy and momentum is 100% with the pro-life movement and the unborn." -Doug Mainwaring, LifeSiteNews

(Washington, DC) — [] A large media presence is amassing outside the United States Supreme Court awaiting the release of opinions as the fate of Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance with the outcome of Dobbs v. Jackson. (Image: Unsplash-Maria Oswalt)

LifeSiteNews is on the ground outside the US Supreme Court as the nine justices are set to deliver opinions this morning, while the number of pro-abortion protestors begins to grow and tensions rise, with police separating the pro-lifers from the abortion protestors.

Prominent pro-life activist Rev. Patrick Mahoney told LifeSite that the scarcity of pro-abortion protestors was "what we call a nothing burger."

"The summer of rage, the hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets, just isn't happening," said Mahoney.

Pro-life activists, including from the progressive anti-abortion uprising (PAAU), faced off with a handful of pro-abortion protestors chanting pro-life slogans.

...Shut Down DC—which has a history of protesting outside the SCOTUS justices' houses—posted a rally call online for pro-abortion protestors to join then and "ShutDownSCOTUS" in order to protest the potential over-turning of the nearly 5o-year abortion ruling.

However, the numbers of the pro-abortion protesters remain moderately small outside the Supreme Court, in the build up to the release of an unspecified number of opinions at 10 a.m.

One pro-abortion protestor joining ShutDownDC described the pro-lifers present outside SCOTUS "Christo-fascists." Another performed a twerk-style dance in front of the pro-lifers present.

LifeSite's Doug Mainwaring wrote that ShutDownDC's proposed blockade of the Supreme Court had "failed"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

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