Breaking Christian News

Amish Survived COVID Better Than Most by Never Locking Down or Shuttering Churches; Reached Herd Immunity

Tré Goins-Phillips : Oct 15, 2021

In March of this year—about one year after the pandemic began in earnest—the Associated Press reported that the Amish and Mennonite community in Lancaster reached herd immunity, with 90% of families having at least one member infected with COVID-19...

[] The Amish community in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, fared better than most at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, even though they never locked down or shuttered their churches. (Screengrab image)

In the latest episode of her show, "Full Measure," investigative reporter Sharyl Attkison, who described the Amish as a "Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial," explained that, while cities around the US implemented draconian measures amid the pandemic—forcing businesses to close, telling residents to stay home, and banning church gatherings—those in the Amish community never forsook their work or gathering for worship services.

Calvin Lapp, an Amish Mennonite in Lancaster, told Attkison there "are three things the Amish don't like: and that's government; they won't get involved in government. They don't like the public education system; they won't send their children to education. And ... they also don't like the health system." (Screengrab image)

"Those three things are all of what COVID is," he said.

Lapp went on to explain the unconventional way his community responded to the burgeoning health crisis last spring. While most were isolating, avoiding any contact with others, the Amish in Lancaster held a worship service in May 2020, when they all took communion... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Continue reading, and watch the "Full Measure" video report on this here.