Breaking Christian News

'Big Brother' Biden's Plan To Fund 3.5T Budget by Forcing Banks to Give IRS 'Enormous Amounts' of Taxpayer Account Info

Megan Henney : Sep 24, 2021
Fox News

[] Under the plan, banks and other financial institutions would be required to annually report customers' account inflows and outflows of $600 or more to the IRS. The White House has estimated the policy, which would apply to bank, loan and investment accounts, could generate about $463 billion in additional revenue over the next decade. The measure, if Congress approves it to fund Biden's sweeping $3.5 trillion family and climate change plan, would give the IRS an enormous amount of new information... "Privacy concerns are cited as one of the top reasons why individuals choose not to open financial accounts and participate in the financial system," the banks wrote [in a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy] "This proposal would almost certainly undermine efforts to reach vulnerable populations and unbanked households"... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click here to read. (Image: Unsplash-Timeo Buehrer)