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National Institutes of Health STUNS: IVERMECTIN Makes 'LARGE REDUCTIONS in COVID-19 Deaths Possible'

Mercola : Sep 20, 2021

"Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally." -National Institutes of Health

[] ...In recent days, another big, fat lie has been allowed to circulate unchecked and unverified in headlines across the media landscape. "Ivermectin: Why Are US Anti-Vaxxers Touting a Horse Dewormer as a Cure for COVID?" asks the Independent. Similar headlines—all focusing on "horse dewormer"—have been plastered across many other media outlets... (Screengrab image)

Ivermectin is an essential human drug

While ivermectin is used as a dewormer in animals, it is also a human drug, approved by the FDA since the mid-1990s for the treatment of river blindness. It’s also on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines for several parasitic diseases.

Like many other drugs, ivermectin is also used off-label for other diseases and conditions. Systemic lupus and papulopustolar rosacea, for example, are sometimes treated with ivermectin. In 2018, a patent was filed to treat certain autoimmune disorders with ivermectin.

When used preventively for COVID-19, or as treatment for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, ivermectin is being used off-label, but there’s nothing unusual or suspect about this at all. Many drugs are used "off label." So, when media warn that "ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of COVID-19," that essentially means nothing. It certainly doesn’t mean the drug isn’t FDA approved at all, or that it’s only approved for animals.

The fact is, ivermectin has several different properties. In addition to being antiparasitic, it also has potent antiviral properties and has even been shown to protect against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein damage.

Research shows ivermectin impairs the spike protein’s ability to attach to the ACE2 receptor on human cell membranes. The drug can also help prevent blood clots by binding to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. This prevents the spike protein from binding to CD147 on red blood cells and triggering clumping.

As for safety, more than 4 billion doses have been given to (human) patients since 1998, and only 28 cases of serious adverse events have been reported in that time. Yet the FDA now claims ivermectin should not be used for COVID-19 because the drug may cause "serious harm," is "highly toxic" and may cause "seizures," "coma and even death" — warnings that are far more applicable to COVID shots.

Ivermectin suitable for all treatment stages

Since early on, the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has been trying to get the truth out about ivermectin. The FLCCC’s prophylaxis and early outpatient COVID-19 protocol is known as I-MASK+ while the hospital treatment is called I-MATH+. All include ivermectin. As noted by the FLCCC in a news release:

"The data shows the ability of the drug Ivermectin to prevent COVID-19, to keep those with early symptoms from progressing to the hyper-inflammatory phase of the disease, and even to help critically ill patients recover.

...numerous clinical studies—including peer-reviewed randomized controlled trials—showed large magnitude benefits of Ivermectin in prophylaxis, early treatment and also in late-stage disease. Taken together ... dozens of clinical trials that have now emerged from around the world are substantial enough to reliably assess clinical efficacy."

FLCCC president and chief medical officer Dr. Pierre Kory has testified to the benefits of ivermectin before a number of COVID-19 panels, including the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in December 2020 and the National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel in January 2021.

The two protocols—I-MASK+ and I-MATH+—are available for download on the FLCCC Alliance website in multiple languages. The clinical and scientific rationale for the I-MATH+ hospital protocol has also been peer-reviewed and was published in the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine in mid-December 2020.

Strong evidence for Ivermectin

From April 24 through 25, 2021, Dr. Tess Lawrie, director of Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd., hosted the first International Ivermectin for COVID Conference online.

Twelve medical experts from around the world—including Kory—shared their knowledge, reviewing mechanism of action, protocols for prevention and treatment, including so-called long-hauler syndrome, research findings and real world data. All of the lectures, which were recorded via Zoom, can be viewed on

one-page summary of the clinical trial evidence for ivermectin is available on the FLCCC website, while a listing of all ivermectin trials done to date, with links to the published studies, can be found on So, what does the evidence show? In summary, studies have demonstrated ivermectin:

Who’s actually following the science?

As noted in an August 3, 2021, review paper in New Microbes New Infections, titled "Ivermectin: A Multifaceted Drug of Nobel-Prize Honored Distinction With Indicated Efficacy Against a New Global Scourge, COVID-19":

"In 2015, the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, in its only award for treatments of infectious diseases since six decades prior, honored the discovery of ivermectin (IVM), a multifaceted drug deployed against some of the world’s most devastating tropical diseases.

Since March 2020, when IVM was first used against a new global scourge, COVID-19, more than 20 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have tracked such inpatient and outpatient treatments. Six of seven meta-analyses of IVM treatment RCTs reporting in 2021 found notable reductions in COVID-19 fatalities, with a mean 31% relative risk of mortality vs. controls.

During mass IVM treatments in Peru, excess deaths fell by a mean of 74% over 30 days in its ten states with the most extensive treatments. Reductions in deaths correlated with the extent of IVM distributions in all 25 states with p < 0.002.

Sharp reductions in morbidity using IVM were also observed in two animal models, of SARS-CoV-2 and a related betacoronavirus. The indicated biological mechanism of IVM, competitive binding with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is likely non-epitope specific, possibly yielding full efficacy against emerging viral mutant strains."

Despite the evidence, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) are now banding together to call on doctors to immediately stop prescribing ivermectin for COVID outside of clinical trials.

Hopefully, doctors will evaluate the evidence for themselves and do what makes sense and is best for their patients, rather than cater to Big Pharma. Indeed, as the US wants to eliminate all use of ivermectin, other countries are starting to use more of it. India, for example, has added ivermectin for COVID-19 to its list of essential medicines... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Read this article in its entirety here.