Breaking Christian News

PRAY: Taliban Executing Groups of '30 to 40' at a Time Says Christian Missionary Helping Afghans

Chris Mitchell : Sep 17, 2021
CBN News

"...Please pray that help would come, that truth would come out on every side, and please pray for us, Free Burma Rangers, and many other groups like us that are on the ground that we would get access to help people." -Dave Eubank, founder FBR

[CBN News] The US pullout from Afghanistan sent geo-political shock waves throughout the world, profoundly diminished US prestige and left tens of thousands of Afghans in harm's way at the hands of the terrorists of the Taliban. (Screengrab image)

Reports of murder, retribution, kidnapping and torture continue to stream of out Afghanistan.

Dozens of NGO's have rallied to help Afghans escape and where possible provide practical aid. CBN News talked with Dave Eubank the founder of Free Burma Rangers (FBR) in neighboring Tajikistan. 

FBR is there to do what they can to help Afghans and be the hands and feet of Jesus during this dark hour. Eubank also says it's a time for a call to pray for the people and the country of Afghanistan. Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Click here and scroll down to watch the CBN report with FBR's Dave Eubank.