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Mom Who Survived Mao's Cultural Revolution Issues Warning to School Board: 'CRT Should Have No Place in Our Schools'

Dan Andros : Jun 11, 2021

"The communist regime used the same critical theory to divide people, the only difference is they used class instead of race. During the cultural revolution I witnessed students and teachers turn against each other, we changed school names to be politically correct. We were taught to denounce our heritage. The red guards destroyed anything that was not communist. Old statues, books and anything else." -Xi Van Fleet

[] A clip of a woman who says she grew up on 'Mao's China' issued a stern warning for schools adopting various forms of Critical Theory. (Image: via Faithwire)

"I've been very alarmed at what's going on in our school," Xi Van Fleet said to the Loudoun County school board. "You are now training our children to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and our history. Growing up in Mao's China, all of this seems very familiar."

Faithwire has reported on the uprising of concerned parents speaking out about CRT in their school system.

Around 65 million Chinese died from Mao Zedong's ongoing attempt to convert China into a socialist nation. Political prisoners, executions, and famine became the routine. The "Great Leap Forward" featured the collectivization of China's agriculture, resulting in gross mismanagement of food distribution and ultimately mass starvation... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here

Continue reading and watch Xi's warning on video here.