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Sen. Tim Scott Responds to Criticism after Declaring America 'Is Not a Racist Country'

Tré Goins-Phillips : May 4, 2021

"Corporate America marches to the Left's "silence is violence" rallying cry, but now that a conservative is attacked? Crickets..." -Excerpt from tweet by Sen. Tim Scott

airlift[] For hours, the derogatory phrase "Uncle Tim" trended on Twitter—a term that bubbled to the surface in the wake of Sen. Tim Scott's (R-SC) response last Wednesday to President Joe Biden's first speech before a joint session of Congress. (Image source: Twitter profile- Sen. Tim Scott)

Twitter eventually blocked the racial slur, but not before Scott took notice of the social media trend, which he immediately condemned.

Speaking to Fox News on Thursday, the Republican senator said he found the slur "upsetting" and "so disappointing."

"It has been an amazing morning with so many good people calling, but the left has doubled down," said Scott. "[Y]ou cannot step down out of your lane, according to the liberal elite left."

Over the weekend, MSNBC host Tiffany Cross accused Scott of having "Stockholm syndrome," condemned him from making "asinine points," called him "a token," referred to him as "a clown," and rebuked him for "appeas[ing] the oppressors."

However, in the wake of Scott's speech, Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) voiced their agreement with the conservative lawmaker's assertion that the US. "is not a racist country."

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